
yesterday i told kevin that maybe we should clean the gutters today since it’s supposed to rain tonight, and all the gutters have little trees growing out of them because of the one hundred million spinners. so this morning he said i could help him, and he got...

thursday morning

last night i overdid it a little with the yard work, and we went to be before 10!  this morning i got up a little after six, so clearly i’m turning into an old lady who gets up at the crack of dawn. well, i’m not entirely sure what time the sun rises, so i...

thursday! and nothing destroyed…so far…

i did spectacularly break a butter dish last night, with no effort at all.  i was trying to get a can of diet root beer out of the pantry and somehow managed to CRASH the glass butter dish to the floor, with many, many little shards of glass everywhere. nothing broken...

monday monday monday

yes, it’s almost the very middle of april and we’re SUPPOSED TO GET SNOW LATER TODAY. a very, very unfortunate state of affairs. as i’ve already written here, we bought 22 bags of mulch last thursday, plus a new front door.  on friday we went back to...


here’s the kitty condo, which les immediately had to check out. this isn’t such a great photo, but it’s a rare one, since both chester and les were in it.  i think winnie has gotten in once. erica sent me this photo of her sweet kittie heidi, who was...

friday again

yester we bought 22 bags of mulch, and i put 18 of them down.  before that i had to rake approximately one million leaves.  needless to say, i overdid it and i’m sore today.  but it’s warm!  which is incredibly fantastic.  yesterday i saw the first flower...


not a good way to spend the days leading up to xmas.  i had a little sore throat saturday night, then all of a sudden i had the full-blown flu on sunday. dreadful.  i can’t remember that last time i got the flu. i got a flu shot for the first time last year and...


and you should totally see it in 3D, and if you live in or near tallahassee, florida, you’re in luck; otherwise, you are screwed. i didn’t really care so much about seeing “gravity,” and didn’t think about it, but then there was a glowing...


i spent the last two days furiously cleaning the hot tub room (it was filthy), getting it ready for the huge influx of flowers, then moving the flowers, and digging up some that were in non-moveable planters, and carrying so much stuff around that i wore myself out...

tuesday already?

we all successfully made it through the night.  dad is hanging in there.  he’s not doing badly, but like they keep saying, things are tenuous and he’s very sick and all we can do is wait and hope. whew. i slept out in the waiting room from 11 til 3 last...

xmas, but i’m so over that…

well, here are a bunch of photos from xmas, which seems sooo long ago. the tree did look pretty good, even though it was dry when we got it. here’s this funny cardboard train that my grandmother got, i think, in the 50s.  i would tell you more about it, but...

monday, happy veterans’ day…

kevin was going to march in the veterans’ day parade yesterday, but he was too sore from his hunting expedition on saturday. he and mollie headed out to site M very eary, because he’s won the lottery to shoot pheasant, quail and bunnies. they didn’t...


last week we decided to watch an episode of Dr. Who; we’d watched one maybe a year ago because kevin used to watch the old Dr. who. so let me just say that NOW WE ARE TOTAL ADDICTS. last week mollie had a vet appointment, a regular checkup.  it was for 2:15. We...

happy labor day!

well, first of all, kevin was on the news YET AGAIN, but i didn’t put it up yet because, as previously mentioned, i’m VERY VERY BAD. so here it is – not quite as exciting, in my opinion, as the fencing video because kevin wasn’t the sole focus...


i can’t really give you any explanation at all why it’s been so long since i’ve written on here.  i have had some free time, but just haven’t…written anything. so, all i can say is, BAD BAD BAD! one day last week randy called to say...


whew.  that about covers it. the other night i was rushing around making pizza, and every once in a while i heard a little sound, maybe something falling over down in the basement?  i didn’t think too much about it because i had too many other things going on in...

kitties, for a change, on this last day of february…

and for some reason this morning i am obsessed with posting all the remaining photos from february.  i hate it that i usually end up posting a few random photos from the month before on a brand new month… why must i obsess, though?  who on earth but me would...

kitties and deer…

last night bev said i should name my site “cats and deer” and i do believe she’s right. here are les and chester, being darling and sweet and cleaning each other, which of course leads to KITTY WARS! just yesterday i was trying to call bev but i...

warm, warm february

wednesday, the first day of the last winter month, i took lester for a walk because it was warm and wonderful but mostly because he REALLY REALLY INSISTED that he DESPERATELY NEEDED TO GO FOR A WALK. we went all the way down to the little beach area between amy and...

yes, that was me yesterday,

walking way out to the end of the driveway to get the mail, wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt and eating a bowl of ice cream. BECAUSE IT WAS 60 DEGREES. and yes, that was me, running through the field with mollie, wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt (me, not mollie), with a...

december, dwindling faster and faster…

these are from the 13th and 14th… here, an historic moment as chester SLEPT IN MY LAP.  for more than 5 minutes. and this is dinner time with the kitties, all crowded up on the counter so they’ll become friendly towards each other.  so far they are...

pictures and painting

here are a couple of photos from christmas day, as les paul and chester were curled up together on the bed…. …and winston was enjoying a peaceful moment out on the hot tub, basking in the sunshine. i still have photos that i haven’t posted from...

kitty paradise

the other day, winston and les paul were sleeping peacefully very close together.  nice to have some calm around here. kevin continues to put more and more wire and fencing and chain link and barbed wire on top of the fenced-in yard. meanwhile, he also started feeding...

yes, it’s all about the kitties…

as i was sitting here photoshopping photos, les paul was chomping on the beddraggled catnip plant, which he adores.  it hasn’t been doing as well since i moved it inside, plus les keeps gnawing on it so there aren’t so many leaves left.  i must buy more...

party morning

first, a picture kevin took the other day of winnie, always valiantly trying to relax. even though he’s traumatized by chester, who stalks him sometimes, he still manages to find a little kitty happiness now and then. this morning we took everybody out back, so...


did you get invited to our halloween party?  if you didn’t, i don’t know why not – today amy invited a couple more people, including her delightful 91 year-old friend ruth, plus stu, the manager of food fantasies. if you weren’t invited, i...

but he still has no name…

here is our adorable new kitty. i took these with my camera, so i don’t have any formal portraits yet.  we can’t think of a name.  any suggestions would be appreciated. meanwhile, i now realize why everybody was so intent and focused and barking the other...

it makes everybody around here sooooo sleepy…

any exertion at all in this heat makes everybody exhausted.  we’ve been lolling around all week, except when we were doing stuff, but not too much outside stuff cause it’s way too hot for that. here’s les paul and kevin wednesday afternoon, les with...


things went better than expected on thursday.  Les Paul had a grand, grand time all day long.  he ran around like a maniac, he sproinged up onto the couch and off the back of it, he was very, very busy.  he and winnie…well, since they’re cats, they...

thursday, already…

the days sneak up on me in the summertime. they sneak up, and then they whoosh by.  this morning i’m sitting in the screened porch, mollie is lying on the rug, and les paul is perched on the table, looking outside.  no wait, he’s gone…yesterday i let...