We launched my boat on April 9th which seemed very early, but Mom looked it up in her journal and says that last year we put it in on April 10th. We didn’t go on the boat much last year, though, and things are going to be different this year. I tried looking up in my journal last year to see what I was doing instead of going on the boat, and besides that my handwriting has become fairly indecipherable even to me, I think I did lots of yard work. Yes, the yard work is never-ending, but on the other hand going out on the boat is the best. Maybe I’ll remember that this year.

The view of our shore with all the leafless trees. I remember that last year when we went out early we thought that the trees must be dead, but this year we were slightly smarter and realized the leaves weren’t out because it was so early.

We went back out that evening and saw this goose in a planter. Smart place to nest, although I don’t know how the people feel about that. Some people hate hate hate the geese and I wish they didn’t have to be so hateful.

The end of a lovely boat ride.

I can’t recall why I decided I had to go to the store that evening, because I always go in the mornings to avoid the rush, but when I came out the sky was so beautiful that I had to take a picture.

This really make me want to go out on the boat at sunset especially to see the sunset. Sunset over the lake is infinitely better than sunset over the Wal-Mart parking lot.

Ok then,

Mrs. Almost May Hughes.