…i mean, i suppose it’s a countdown.  it’s also a countdown to christmas, really, but the other day mom said I’VE SEEN PEOPLE WITH THEIR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS OUT ALREADY, and i pointed out that xmas isn’t so far off.

meanwhile, i’m just trying to remember the photos i took in october.  in the middle of the month i got to babysit amy and jim’s dogs for a while, always a delight.



later that afternoon i was down at the dock, heard a noise – and there was the mink!  i don’t know how i managed to get a photo of him because he’s very quick and doesn’t like to have his picture taken.

poor sad lester!  he came out into the yard when i was sitting there and was particularly lonely and sad, with his giant sock.

his was also taken mid-october, when the corn was ready to come down.  this was a week after i’d fallen, so i was walking, not running.  i started pulling down the corn cobs, shucking them, and throwing them on the ground for the deer.  when i did this on this day, it was challenging because my right hand was still weak and in pain.  it got easier every time i did it, though.

and now it’s november, and like i said, things are approaching, as they do…

ok then,
