ok, i started writing this yesterday and was sure i’d have time to get back to it, but now it’s thursday already…

whew.  well, for one thing, our router quit working, and then our modem quit working after we got a new router.

so that’s one excuse for not writing.


p vs z 2 is the best thing about my new phone.

except now i’ve progressed so far in the game that my only choices for the levels are all almost completely impossible.

p vs z 2 is a great way to not think about being sad.  but then, suddenly, I’VE WASTED SO MUCH TIME I CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE IT!!!

here are more photos of our darling dog.  i had to take winnie to the vet last week; we switched all three cats to dr. armour at capitol illini, and of course she said that winnie NEEDS TO LOSE WEIGHT.  actually, first she said that he has peridontal disease, which would involve sedation, which would be risky because of winnie’s porkiness.

he has to lose four pounds in six months.

on the way home, as he MEOWED very angrily at me the whole time, i told him that if he loses four pounds in six months, i will, too.

see, if there was somebody who only gave me a smaller amount of food every day, of course i’d lose weight!

the cats are now getting a cup and a half of dry food per day, total, plus each gets one measly tablespoon of wet food twice a day.  so far they don’t seem super cranky about it, unlike me when i’m deprived of food.

so anyway, when i took winnie to the vet, i asked about mollie’s ashes, and they had them, so that was very sad, bringing her ashes home.  mollie’s ashes weigh way way way less than dad’s ashes.

kevin bought a couple of darling little round pendants with a paw print on the front, to fill with a little bit of her ashes.  we’ll get them engraved, and then we’ll fill them, and i plan on wearing mine as much as possible.

mollie really really loved this christmas knot.

this is the only time she ever sat up on the chair of the couch.  she was, of course, kind of big to be sitting there, and i thought it was so funny…i think she was looking at a squirrel or something outside the window.

one year i dressed mollie and amy’s dogs up for the different months of the year for calendars.  mollie was a very good sport, as usual, about wearing this doggie raincoat.

last march, she was helping to clean goose poop off the dock.

here she is at amy and jim’s.

she looooved relaxing in the pop-up camper.  kevin is going out to the fall nationals next week, and i’m jealous that he gets to go pop up, but also sad because mollie won’t be doing that with us anymore.

one memorable easter, when the motor stopped working and kevin fashioned a sail out of the top of the boat.  mom was happy to sit in the back with mollie, while kevin and erica paddled.

well, this is a super sad one…all of these dogs are now gone.  gizmo, mollie, shortie.  so sad.  mollie, of course, had jammed herself into the little dog bed.

she always loved the boat rides.

i like it that chester is lying with his head on the edge of the food bowl.  mollie, of course, is just waiting for food.

i like it that she always looked like she was smiling.

she’s being a very brave dog as kevin backs the trailer into the water for the boat launch.

and that’s all for thursday, which has come upon me quicker than i expected.

ok then,

mrs. g.h.