last night amy stayed the night with dad, and tonight i will.  so if i might write anything at all here tomorrow, please don’t pay any attention to me because i’m never in my right mind when sleep-deprived.  this morning, though, amy seemed really good.

dad, though…more of the same.  well, no, at least he was breathing on his own for an hour, that’s great.  and later, i was holding his hand, and he stroked the top of my hand, to reassure ME.  and he had that twinkle in his eye for a while.

because he’s my good dad.

amy said the recliner in the room is horrible to try to sleep on.  she asked if kevin had a small cot i could use, instead, and i said i’m sure he has at least two.  she said i should pitch a tent, and i suggested setting up a little civil war encampment in the back of the room.

so i smiled to myself, texting this.

here is something funny i saw just now. i aspire to this someday.

ok then,
