it’s going to be very early.  if i had gotten some exercise today, maybe that would help me sleep, but the most exercise i got was taking gizmo for a 10-minute walk which mostly consisted of either standing around while he stood there and thought his deep gizmo thoughts, or trying to coerce him into moving again because i was freezing.

but in addition to the tooth, i also suddenly have some weird unexplained pain in my foot – it’s like i smacked it on something and have a bruise.  that’s what it feels like, anyway, so figured that climbing the neverending exercise stairs to nowhere wouldn’t feel so good.  hopefully the foot pain will just go away and i won’t have to have it amputated.

so i’m probably not going to be going to sleep early tonight and i’m probably going to be waking up a lot.

usually i’m more grumpy like this in the morning, not at night.  of course it is SUNDAY night, never a good night even when there’s nothing to do at all on monday, just the psychological experience of monday looming, the flashbacks of school and crappy jobs and all of that…

suddenly today my tooth really started to hurt again.  not the kind where i start to cry and think about killing myself, but enough…maybe it was the cold air when i took gizmo for a walk.  i hurried up and took four motrin, and then raced home to take another penicillin.  it’s ok now, but i’m very suspicious of my tooth…

this, logically, should make me MORE eager to get that damn root canal in the morning.  but the thought of the last time, the partial emergency root canal, the huge drilling with the huge drill and then even huger drilling with an even huger and more awful drill, it’s not that it hurt so much, but just the sound plus every once in a while OH MY GOD IT HIT A NERVE.  all of those kinds of thoughts, they’re now swirling around in my brain.

kevin and i went to a luncheon and awards spectacle thing and gift exchange for his cowboy shooting today.  we brought little gifts and drew names to see what order we’d pick a present and you could either open a gift or steal somebody’s gift.  i was near the end – #26 – and i thought long and hard about the TOWER OF CHOCOLATE that somebody had received.

for one thing, i didn’t inspect it as closely as i wanted to, but i was pretty sure it wasn’t the best chocolate.

plus, of course, there’s the issue that if i’d stolen that gift I WOULD HAVE EATEN IT ALL ALREADY.

besides the fact that my thighs are expanding right now JUST THINKING ABOUT THE DELICIOUS ALBEIT INFERIOR CHOCOLATE, i’m sure it wouldn’t have done anything good for the very sensitive tooth.

another gift i thought about stealing was a bottle of bailey’s irish cream.  i certainly wouldn’t have drunken it all by now, but it is making me fatter, just thinking about it.

the real reason i didn’t take it is because it was caramel bailey’s.  that sounded way too sweet, even for me.  if it’s chocolate, no matter how ridiculously sweet it is, I WANT IT…but not caramel.

oh yeah, and also?  we have a bottle of bailey’s out on the screened porch (very generous bev gave it to us), PLUS a bottle of some other kind of irish cream from ireland that isn’t bailey’s and is also pretty good.

i may just pass on all that sweet stuff tonight.  maybe just one glass of wine, although i feel it would be wise to steer clear of, for example, the cold white apple illinois wine that i bought at a craft fair.  also too sweet.

in twelve hours from now…i’ll be up.  but in FIFTEEN hours from now, it should be over.

and at least part of those hours i’ll be asleep.

whiner.  at least i didn’t BREAK BOTH WRISTS.

ok then,

somewhat disgruntled grace.