and i’m sorry i didn’t say it sooner. well, i did call randy at least three times today to wish him a happy birthday. but i didn’t sing. i should have sang. except he probably would have gotten tired of the singing. not that i don’t have a LOVELY voice or anything....

funny baby!

my aunt sandy sent me this video, and maybe you’ve seen it before, but it sure made me laugh. which is all i was asking for. funny baby!

p.s. good shepherd

did you see the movie? and if so, can you tell me whose idea it was to push the woman out of the plane? kevin and i discussed it, but we couldn’t come to a conclusion about who was responsible for this. just one of the confusing things about the movie.


i know, i know, everybody is totally sick to death of hearing about paris hilton – in jail, out of jail, back in jail, and then skipping to freedom. but i walked into my sister’s salon a few minutes ago and one girl was getting her hair done while her sister or...


the biggest thing we have growing is our pumpkin plant. we’re going to have lots and lots of pumpkins, and since we planted it a little earlier than it said to on the seed package, we’re going to have lots and lots of pumpkins in august or september, i think. maybe...


since i haven’t posted any photos in a while, here are a few photos that kevin took on his bike trip to ireland way, way back in 2004, right after we first met. i’d tell you something about these photos, but i know nothing about them, except that there are lots and...


i was looking through the ads in this morning’s scintillating paper, and the Meijer ad was all about END OF SEASON CLEARANCE. stuff like plants and trellises and lawn furniture BECAUSE NOW IT’S THE END OF THE SEASON???!!! it’s only the third week of june. there is...

the good news is…

i lost seven pounds in the last four days. the bad news…i lost seven pounds in the last four days. i won’t go into the ugly details, except to say that i know that once i eat solid food again…anything, like one small piece of bread or a grape…that...

p.s. keeping up appearances

i forgot to mention this british sitcom the other day. it stars a woman named patricia routledge, a very funny actress, who plays a character named hyacinth bucket (pronounced “bouquet”), who is all about, well…keeping up appearances. she’s married,...

never mind

saturday evening, i was so excited about my PBS sitcoms – and i turned on the TV and PBS WASN’T WORKING. Kevin called our cable company, and it wasn’t them, it was actually PBS. very disappointing. instead we watched “minority report,” an intense...

saturday night

40 more minutes till “as time goes by,” one of the british sitcoms that i’ve grown to LOVE. one time erica told me that she loves to watch british sitcoms on saturday night and i thought that was a little odd, but now i’m HOOKED. “as time goes...

very late on sunday night

my goal for tonight was to GET TO SLEEP EARLY, but now it’s past early. way past early. damn. i was engrossed in transferring stuff from kevin’s computer to my FABULOUS NEW COMPUTER, and of course i had many issues with doing it and now it’s very late. kevin doesn’t...

saturday evening

goodness continues, as i sit outside in the back yard watching all the nature around me. a little bright yellow bird with a black head just landed on the new cherry tree and i could look it up to see what kind of bird it is, but i don’t feel like it. a yellow finch? a...


and i’m in such a good mood, and can’t exactly figure out why i’m feeling so very good. i think it must have something to do with the weather, which is simply gloriously perfect. it’s about 70, with a nice breeze. i have to go spend most of the afternoon inside giving...

a few photos on monday

we found the photoshop disk. well, kevin found it. he’d FILED IT somewhere. nothing ever gets filed around here, at least not to my knowledge. on the one hand i’m very glad it’s been found, but on the other hand, what else has been filed that i don’t know about? now i...

another sunday night…

not so bad. could be worse. the cat is sprawled out on the couch in front of me. i don’t think it would be possible for him to be more relaxed. i gave mollie a bath tonight. i lured her into the bathroom with some leftover chicken cacciatore that we’d gotten at mom...


gambling addict, that is. me, grace hughes. it wouldn’t have been bad, being a gambling addict, if i’d WON A BUNCH OF MONEY. actually, the only night that i was suddenly an addict, i did win money – but then i lost it all. WHY DIDN’T I QUIT WHEN I WAS AHEAD? i...