we SAW HARRY POTTER yesterday afternoon… we couldn’t believe it had really lasted two and a half hours.  right before it ended, they had the scene that i had assumed would be the place where they’d stop it, i thought, “hmm, it’s not gonna stop here because it hasn’t even been two hours – i wonder how far they’ll go into the book now.”  but then it was over!  so i was right about where they’d end it.

my problem in watching it is that since i just finished book seven, as i watched the movie i kept thinking “BUT THEY LEFT OUT THAT!  AND THAT!  WHY DID THEY LEAVE THAT OUT, FOR GOD’S SAKE???”

when we left the theater, i felt like i’d gypped myself.  i should have just watched it and enjoyed, not gotten caught up in what they left out.  i’ve decided i need to go see it again and just watch without judging the omissions.  i’m gonna wait a week or two, though.

but really, why didn’t harry take mad eye moody’s eye from umbridge’s door?  what became the point of that scene, since he went in there and didn’t actually do anything at all except for looking through her desk drawers?  how did they not show the all-important ravenclaw diadem in lovegood’s house?  why didn’t harry look out into the woods when the patronus guided him to the water, and why didn’t we at least see a bush rustling or something?  why on earth didn’t they at least have a shot of voldemort glaring out the window after harry and hermoine escaped from bathilda bagshot’s house, why didn’t dudley and harry say good-bye at the beginning of the film, and i really wanted to see harry giving kreacher rebulus’s locket and kreacher being all happy for once.

i understand that cuts had to be made, and i was just reading a few of the zillions of comments about the film on the HP website mugglenet.com, and one person commented that the only people who would be disappointed in the film were the ones who had just finished reading the book.  but come on, why did they have to add the scene of harry and hermoine dancing?  one of the commenters pointed out that this led some reviewers and viewers to believe that harry and hermoine are in love.  i was also annoyed reading some of the reviews on rottentomatoes.com, because many of the reviewers weren’t fans, didn’t have a clue about the characters, and generally just pissed me off.  one of them even talked about how they didn’t like jk rowling’s writing to begin with!

not that i’m an obsessed fan or anything.  i have spent a lot of time looking at the scads of HP stuff for sale on ebay, and i wonder why anybody would want to own the slytherin locket.  wouldn’t they be afraid that it would suck the happiness out of them if they wore it?

here are the happy animals, who don’t care at all about harry potter or bad reviewers.

before the temperatures plummeted into the 20s, i found a bunch of wildflowers growing down by the lake.  i planted gobs of seeds this summer and they weren’t coming up so much, but all of a sudden there were all these flowers.

only four more months til spring.  really, REALLY, we’re going to have to plan fun things in order not to go completely crazy this year.  things besides just eating boatloads of comfort foods.

ok then,

mrs. thursday grace hughes.