We had nine inches of snow on Sunday, more than expected, and we might get another couple inches tonight/tomorrow. Oh well. I didn’t leave the house til yesterday and was delighted to find that all the major roads were perfectly clear and dry. I did have to drive down on snow-packed street but it was only for a block, so not so bad.

Nnot so bad…yes, I don’t like winter, but what if we lived in LA? I can’t believe how awful it is; a relative sent Mom a photo of his house, burned to the ground.

So awful. I texted a friend who I’m not in contact hardly at all (which is how I am with just about everybody except people I actually see in front of me), asking is she was ok. She said she was, but “we lost our house this morning.”

It’s too horrible to imagine, what if your house burned to the ground? And your entire neighborhood and community…I’d been following the news and was so sad to hear that Will Rogers’ house had been destroyed; I loved to go hiking in the Will Rogers State Park, and took my parent for a tour of the house once, and took Kevin there and we also hiked on the trails.

And what about all the wild animals living there? What about the wild animals who they’d built the overpass for, over the 101 Freeway? It’s simply too awful to think about. All the wild animals who were incinerated.

This morning my friend, Jerri, said she had to go shopping for clothes because all she had was a pair of slacks and shoes. I mean, where are all the people going to find new places to live? I have too many things, too many clothes, too much stuff…but what if it was all gone? I texted Jerri that if they moved here, we don’t have huge fires and no earthquakes.

Whew. Things are really pretty Ok here.

Ok then,

Mrs. Thankful Hughes.