randy is standing here, breathing down my neck, yelling at me that i haven’t written in four days. he wanted to know how to write on here so he could fill in for me. so now i’m forced to write SOMETHING…
i’ve been too busy. i’m sorry about that. randy continues to yell in my ear, so it’s hard to concentrate. he says too busy is not a good excuse, i’ve used it way too much. last night i gave two million more chair massages to nurses at the hospital, then i went home and decorated my dad’s birthday cake until midnight. i took a picture of it and i’ll put it up here. at some point.
it seems like dad’s birthday last year was just…yesterday. weird. of course this means that i’m getting VERY VERY OLD, to be making statements like that. damnitall. and in three more weeks, it’s my damn birthday. old old old.
but i don’t care. things are really good at this little moment, so i’m happy.
carefree, too, too footloose and fancy free, not spending enough time sitting around writing.
i talked to christine tonight because SHE CALLED ME. this is practically unprecendented. that just shows that not only have i been bad about writing, i’ve even been bad about CALLING. jeez.
so when i wrote about the TIC NIGHTMARE last friday, i didn’t mention the fact that it was so surprising and nice that K’s mom didn’t get all freaked out by the fact that we were potentially bringing MILLIONS OF TICS into her household. but hopefully we didn’t. hopefully we got them all. i haven’t seen any more of them. not only did she not get mad, she GAVE ME CHOCOLATE. very very nice. made my day.
we drove into chicago on saturday and i noticed lots and lots of huge lilac bushes lining the highway. they were beautiful, and i adore lilacs, especially the smell of them, but i found it very sad that all these lovely lilacs were on the side of the highway because nobody is ever going to stop and smell them. even if you did stop (and you’d probably get into a big accident if you did) you wouldn’t be able to smell them over the smell of the car exhaust.
sad. very sad.
please take the time to stop and smell the lilacs. they won’t be around much longer.
this year, anyway.
“wicked” was good, for the third time. go see it. smell the lilacs, go see wicked. it’s playing indefinitely (i think) in chicago.
i have to do lots of massaging tomorrow and then again the millions of chair massages at the hospital tomorrow night and i’m tired just thinking about it, so i’m trying to not think about it at all.
the weekend…we were going to go camping in southern illinois, but according to weather.com, that’s the only place in illinois where there’s going to be TORRENTIAL RAIN. so instead we’re staying home. doing stuff. maybe just hanging out? hanging out sounds really good.
that’s enough for now, i’m trying to write during commercials while watching the 10 o’clock sex & the city, and randy keeps yelling at me that i have to make it “fun and interesting.” TOO MUCH PRESSURE.
i just got the first mosquito bite of the year on my forehead.
there was something on NPR today about pandemics. it seemed very very troubling. is this something i need to be worried about? becuase there haven’t been any huge things to worry about lately, but if there’s going to be a pandemic, things will be very bad, it appears to me. much worrying.
enough already.
ok then,
may grace.