well, i haven’t really told many people yet about being engaged, but i was at a couples’ house tonight with amy, and i kind of know these people but not really and amy announced “grace is engaged” and the woman WHOOPED with joy and hugged me and stuff. and these other two women standing there, two women who i had never even laid eyes on, not ever, they ALSO whooped and said congratulations a million times.
now, this was very nice and all, and i did appreciate it when, say, my parents and my good friends said they were happy about it. but complete strangers? why, i guess is my question.
amy said it’s because now i’m part of the club. the serious couple club, soon to be in the married club. hmm, will i learn a secret handshake? is there a song that goes along with it?
my own personal theory, after reflecting on the matter for at least 10 minutes or so, is that these women (and there was no whooping from any men, by the way) are happy because that’s what PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO. one of those life things. now, i, personally, have never followed the “things people are supposed to do” chart, most of my life, or rather i guess all of my life, i’ve just sort of gone along on my own little path. so now that i’m doing a thing that MANY PEOPLE DO, the women are damn excited about it.
amy says that when she has told people about my upcoming marriage, many have asked “are they going to have kids?” i was pretty amused by this and asked amy what her response was and she said she told them she didn’t think so. i told her to say, instead, “grace said HELL NO,” only not quite as politely as that. i mean, i guess there is a very slim chance of children in my future, but the chance is very very slim, mostly because MFH and i are quite content with the thought of spending the rest of our lives together, just the two of us, plus whatever pets we have now or may have in the future. so i guess now because of the no kids thing, i’ll slip back into my path that’s not so familiar and cozy to many MANY people. but now i’ll be walking along the path with this man who i happen to love.
i’ve decided to leave all the wedding planning to randy. i think i’d better call and tell him right now.
ok then,
may grace.