yesterday morning i got a jar of peanut butter out to make a sandwich. when i went to make the sandwich, i’d misplaced the peanut butter. i spent too much time searching my kitchen for it, and then i looked again last night and this morning and clearly, clearly it’s not there anymore. did it just evaporate into thin air? did somebody break in and steal it? WHERE’S MY PEANUT BUTTER?

i want to make a peanut butter sandwich tonight to take on my very very early train ride tomorrow morning. my peanut butter MUST be somewhere.

i probably won’t find it. maybe somebody else will find it for me. i don’t know how i manage to lose everything all the time, but usually they turn up, and i never lose anything as LARGE as my large jar of peanut butter.

when i moved a few months ago i found my long-lost bathing suit bottom. that had vexed me for a good long time because i knew i hadn’t taken it off somewhere and left it. it was behind the bed, i believe. i also found a pair of really cute webbed stockings that i was sure somebody had stolen. they were buried under many things in the top of the closet.

i’m sure that when i move out of this place i’ll find the peanut butter. in the meantime, i guess i’ll have to be content with the soy nut butter i have, although it’s not the same thing at all.

ok ok ok,

may grace.