FINALLY, FINALLY, it feels like spring again. we had all that warm lovely sunny weather and then BAM, dark and cold and grey. jason goodreau came to my place this afternoon to take my picture and he said the grey weather puts him in a bad mood, and that’s just how i feel. i told him winter must be bad for him, and then i told him that you can get a special lamp to help you, and he hadn’t heard of it, so maybe he’ll go buy one. they really need to install those lamps everywhere, don’t they?
but right now, SUNSHINE! i’m taking the train at 6:33 a.m. tomorrow, aned now randy is going on the train too, only he’s going for work, and he got the special state rate, which round-trip is cheaper than my one-way ticket. i plan on sleeping for the first part of the trip, and i have to remember to pack my pillow. i’m taking quite a few things even though i’m just coming back on friday. i know that MFH won’t be mad about this. i was once with a man who got mad at me for taking two bags on the train to meet him in san diego for an overnight trip, which would have been quite lovely except for him being mad at me for having WAY TOO MUCH STUFF.
this is why HE’S not MFH, and kevin is.
plus, in rockford, my final destination tomorrow, kevin says there’s a GORDMAN’S two blocks from the hotel so that’s a happy thing. our gordman’s is closed till august because of the tornado.
randy and i are going to play boggle on the train, and we’re going to make wedding plans. my friend gary wrote about a wedding reception he attended in LA where he lives; he says the festivities were hosted by an eight-foot drag queen from canada and a former Miss Universe. maybe he’s exxagerating slightly about the eight-foot part, or maybe she wore very very high heels.
i don’t think my wedding will be quite that spectacular. but you never know.
today jill and i went to baskin robbin’s because i needed an emergency ice cream cone. maui brownie madness lowfat yogurt at least they CLAIM it’s lowfat but that’s hard to believe. next week i get a free birthday cone and i’m getting peanut butter chocolate. not to obsessively plan ahead for ice cream or anything.
that is all for now.
ok then,
may grace.