things are winding down here inside my brain. it’s past midnight, which means i should have been asleep a while ago. at least a little while ago.

lickety split, and i’ll be in bed, fast asleep.

well, in bed anyway.

some nice person just wrote to me and told me about some fabulous kind of pillow i could buy to make my neck pain all go away. so that’s on the top of my shopping list for tomorrow.

i actually have no shopping list at all for tomorrow, so i guess it’s technically the only thing on the list at this time. but you never know when i’ll suddenly decide i desperately need to buy something.

just this evening i bought some cherry vanilla diet dr. pepper. don’t you think that’s too many flavors in one? they also had berry cream diet dr. pepper but i felt that slipped into the much too weird to try category.

berries and cream AND diet dr. pepper? randy claims he went to a coca cola museum in atlanta where they had all kinds of displays, including one that showed all the different kinds of coke around the world, and you could try them, and some of them were wretched and tasted like cough medicine. you’d think we’d have ALL the flavors of all the soft drinks right here, wouldn’t you? but maybe people in europe and various other countries are more adventuresome than us.

more adventurous than cherry vanilla diet dr. pepper?

i listened to NPR for at least 25 seconds today and they were going on about the palestinians and the israelis and i decided that i surely haven’t actually missed anything important in world news because it’s always the same stuff going on, over and over and over.

instead of news, they should call it BAD news. let’s have the GOOD news hour sometimes, ok? where they only report good things that happen. because, i mean, i’m sure some pretty amazing good things are happening all the time, aren’t they? it’s not just about people blowing each other up/terrorizing each other/bloody fights/massive discontent and strife and hardship and badness, right?

GOOD news. maybe i’ll have to start a good news program, on cable TV.

when i get some free time.

right now, though, the bed is calling to me. “grace, you should have been asleep at least a half hour ago, you’re starting to get delirious,” the bed is softly calling.

tomorrow – FRIDAY. all day. make the most of it. even if you live here in spfld and it’s going to be miserably cold and rainy all weekend. stay inside, go to the movies, find something fun to do.

that is all. for tonight.

ok then,

may grace.