Wed. Jan 18th, after spending quite a bit of time at the Statue of Liberty, Randy and I walked up to the 9/11 Memorial Pools. Just walking up to them makes me choke up.

The new world trade center.

We took the subway uptown a ways, stopping at the cool relatively new Cortland St. subway station. Not many people there and I remember that when I’ve been there before it was always packed with people.

We walked on the High Line for a while but it was mighty windy and getting dark, so we didn’t linger.

The whole point of going to NYC was to see Eddie Izzard doing his one-man show of “Great Expectations.” His brother had condensed the long novel into a two-hour show and Eddie performed all the parts.

The performance was at the Greenwich House Theater, a small space down in the West Village. We took an Uber to get there and were early, and it was nice to sit down and relax before the show.

I’m wearing my Eddie Izzard shirt that I got at one of his shows a long time ago.

It started at 7:00 and we were out of there by 9:30. We walked down Bleeker Street and it seemed odd to me. Many things were permanently closed and others were already closed for the night. I was craving pizza and we finally found an Italian place, but they didn’t serve pizza. The nice woman there who had a strong Italian accent recommended another restaurant so off we went.

It was called Nomero 28 PIzzeria and was delicious.

One other table of people was there but they soon left and we had the restaurant to ourselves, my favorite way to dine.

When we left, the sreets were mostly deserted. I don’t remember NYC being like this at all, and I’m pretty sure that it’s because of Covid.

Meanwhile, back at home, Marley was having such a grand time that she brought one her mice all the way downstairs and snuggled down on Kevin’s coat.

I love this picture that looks like she’s looking at the Mooch pillow.

Even though we have such an abundance of cats, they’re easier to manage now that Pumpkin is by himself in an upstairs bedroom. So far he’s doing well up there, and we’ll see if the Prozac helps his overall disposition around the others., February 5th, I’m about to go for a run. It’s in the 50s so it should be quite pleasant. I’ve been listening to the audiobook of “Great Expectations” and am very close to the end. I highly recommend it.

ok then,

Mrs. H.