Here’s Riley on Jan. 4th. I feel like he hadn’t been sitting in so many funny positions before, or maybe I just never paid enough attention, which is always a good possibility with me since I frequently pay no attention to things in general.
He looks so chill, hanging out with Grogu.

The next day, just so cute! I fee like I could have a calendar with nothing but Riley pictures. Hmm, great, I bet I could make a fortune and Riley would be a famous kitty! But I’d probably have to start posting pictures on Instagram and Facebook and stuff, and then I’d have to work on getting the photos seen more…to much work. Plus I know Riley has no desire for fame.

That night it looked so cool because the ground was lit up by the snow. I don’t think it was actually this bright outside.

Jan. 6th, Lester and Sweetie were content to look out at the nine inches of snow. Snow would be just dandy if I never had to go out in it. I’d be happy with a picture of snow.

Meanwhile…Riley, darling. Here he is with a new catnip ladybug.

And Grogu, of course, who looks like he’s watching over poor Riley. We always refer to Riley as “Poor Riley,” I can’t remember why. He’s certainly living the life of Riley.

Later that day…

Meanwhile, Lovey! A rare Lovey sighting, or at least rare that she wasn’t scurrying and sliding away from me because I’m such a beastly and scary person. Sometimes I think that I need to make an effort each and every day,to try to get her to like me but I’m lucky to just do what I’m doing and I never seem to have any extra time. I could have done that yesterday instead of cleaning the bottom of the hall closet…

That evening, Spot and Lemon Drop ate in tandem. The garage is looking more and more like just another room. Kevin keeps fortifying the cracks where the wind whistles in, and now when we have three space heaters going it gets too warm. I bought two sets of Christmas lights to string up so we’ll have really nice lighting. Ha Ha, we could rent it out as an Air B&B!

Riley once again…

Whew. I’m sitting down on the couch on Monday afternoon, and it feels so luxurious to sit still for a little while, anyway. Kevin got out a very tall ladder so I can string the Xmas lights and maybe I’ll get up and do that in a bit.
Ok then,
Mrs. Contented for the Moment Hughes.
You, dear, are a whirlwind of “gettin’ ‘er done”! I can’t keep up!
BTW, the Christmas lights in the Garage Band’s home look fantastic… can’t wait to see the photos!
ha ha, thanks, my fella!