today, people keep saying stuff like “it’s so warm!” but it’s not, not when you’ve spent a lovely week in 60s to 70s degree weather and bright sunshine and even when it rained in florida, who cared, because it was so, so much better than the weather around here.
at least spring is grudgingly, haltingly starting to try to make an effort. yesterday i sprayed deer spray on the delicate tiny shoots coming out of the ground in front, because i know that otherwise the deer will just chomp them to the ground.
anyway, back to florida (and yes, i could get my bags packed in about 15 minutes if we were going back right now)….i took this picture from our balcony the same time that i posted the video where i said “comma” and “exclamation point” out loud. this was right when we got there, at around four in the afternoon on saturday, feb. 23rd. we didn’t see the sun set that night because it was cloudy.

the place is identical to the one we stayed in last year, and only the furnishings are different.

you know i love pelicans, so i was happy to see this guy on the kitchen counter.

here’s kevin, trying to relax on sunday morning.

we frequently saw people walking their cute dogs on the beach despite the many NO DOGS ON BEACH signs that were posted everywhere.

little birds visited me on our balcony all the time we were there and of course i gave them little crumbs so of course they kept coming back.

another example of how tired i was when we arrived on saturday – i kept opening all the cabinets looking for a wine glass because i was, of course, desperate for a glass of wine. i opened every single cabinet, even the really high ones over the fridge, but all i could find were a bunch of different plastic glasses. i don’t want to drink wine out of a plastic glass!
i texted this to amy on saturday night, and told her that i’d broken a wine glass when we’d stayed at the other condo last year, and she said that maybe that was the reason they only had plastic ones.
and then, sunday morning, how had i completely missed the cabinet that was right next to the other cabinets? fully stocked with a variety of glasses.
overly tired.

We finally set out for a nice walk down the beach at the crack of 10:52 a.m. sunday morning.

somebody had constructed this elaborate sand world, and it remained on the beach almost til the time we left; i think the rain finally washed most of it away.

we walked to the little town of Seaside, where we’d been last year – it’s where they shot “the truman show,” and it’s a nice place. i started taking lots of videos because i decided they would make you feel like you were there a lot more than just taking pictures.
but i guess i always do that, don’t I? mostly.
anyway, i don’t know why i shot this in a vertical format; it annoys me a lot now watching it. maybe some of my crazy from the night before was lingering…
i have more videos of walking around in seaside, but maybe i won’t put them up here because i’m so annoyed with the format. we did a whole lot of walking that day; we walked through the town of seaside back to the road and then way up the road back to the Publix, because i hadn’t brought a hair dryer because i thought they’d supply one. and then we walked back to our place, and i think we walked almost six miles that day. i remember that we got pretty warm, because it’s florida and i love it.
ok then,
mrs. h.