on the big white chair across from me. we took a walk through the park this evening and she was overjoyed to trot through each and every puddle, big or small, and they were mostly GIGANTIC because of the tremendous amount of rain we had this afternoon. when we got back home, she was wet and dirty and smelly, so i had to give her a bath.
it’s not like giving shortie and gizmo a bath, because they are very small dogs and i’m used to washing them. but mollie was very good about it even though SHE HATES BATHS. afterwards i gave her about a dozen dog treats, plus some of my ice cream sandwich.
now she’s sleeping peacefully, exhausted from her busy day which included two walks and a car ride.
ok, so i’ve MADE SOME WEDDING PROGRESS. i went to this one site that had wedding invitations and i ordered a couple of sample invitations. we’d planned on just making our own, but these seemed quite nice. we’ll see how they look in person.
and, more exciting than that, i also ordered some sample PERSONALIZED BRIDE AND GROOM STIRRERS. they’re like long swizzle sticks, with a bride and groom on the top and our names and the date along the stick. they also had PERSONALIZED FOIL ASHTRAYS and PERSONALIZED CAKE BOXES. i’m not getting either of those. for one thing, i’m not giving out ashtrays, and i’m certainly not giving out wedding cake TO TAKE HOME!!! i mean, let’s not get ridiculous here. no smoking, and no eating all the cake after the wedding!
if there is gobs of cake left, i guess we’ll have to figure out what to do with it. but not now.
now, i’m still spending the majority of my time looking up honeymoon places online. oahu and kauai. i actually spoke on the phone to a woman in kauai and i’m reserving a very very cool-looking place there for a week. i’m still working on the place in oahu. it’s hard to find something on the beach, so i think we’ll have to settle for a five-minute walk to the beach.
PROGRESS MADE ON WEDDING PREPARATIONS, whew. so now at least we’ll have some nice stirrers.
DAMN, i just realized, i could have ordered some sample WEDDING CHOCOLATE BARS; they’re hershey bars only instead of saying HERSHEY, they say HERETHEYARE, with our names at the bottom. i probably won’t actually order them, but i would definitely like a free sample chocolate bar!
and that reminds me, when are we going to go sample wedding cake?
i’m going to start looking at my IMPORTANT LIST OF THINGS TO DO FOR THE WEDDING very, very soon.
except we’re going to florida on saturday, and i’m kind of very busy till then.
ok ok ok,
the VERY end of may grace.