i’ve been sitting here looking at my computer for about 20 hours right now. i keep looking stuff up; right now i’m looking up b&bs in Oahu. the last place i looked at, it was definitely the oddest website i’ve ever seen. there weren’t any photos of the actual property, and no prices listed. how helpful.
sitting here looking at the computer is making me a little crazy.
i was going to go to sleep early tonight. i think i have at least a couple more minutes before it’s officially late instead of early.
did you have a nice memorial day weekend? i did, especially today when i did almost nothing, except for the excessive looking up factor. we ran in the park this morning and it was VERY VERY HOT.
i just looked up the weather in ft. lauderdale florida, where i’m going with MFH and my parents on saturday, and the forecast for every day we’ll be there is RAIN RAIN RAIN. scattered thunderstorms, to be precise. i guess we’ll be spending our vacation at the indian casino.
dad keeps telling mom that there are going to be hurricanes, though, so at least maybe a little rain won’t be so bad.
tonight i got my FREE BIRTHDAY ICE CREAM CONE from baskin robbins, i almost missed the deadline which was TODAY. it was delicious.
so, people have been asking me, “how are the wedding plans coming?” hmm. it’s been almost four weeks since he proposed, and we did make a reservation for the place, and i do have a list of things that have to be done…but i haven’t done any of them yet. i haven’t really thought about them so much, to tell you the truth. the stack of wedding books i got at the library has been sitting on my living room floor for quite a while now. i keep renewing them.
see, the wedding is only going to be a few hours. but the honeymoon, that’s a GREAT VACATION! so once the honeymoon location is found, then the wedding stuff will fall into place, i’m sure.
that’s my plan right now, anyway. i guess it’s not so much as an actual “plan,” but it’s all i got right now.
mollie the dog was sleeping in her bed, but now she has completely slid out of it, except for hr feet. she was very very tired, because she had an adventure-packed fun-filled weekend. involving socializing with many humans and dogs and cats, plus running quite a bit and of course eating or at least hoping to eat as much as possible.
i feel that many many things have happened since i last wrote, but maybe not. we saw the musical “dr. dolittle” in st. louis on friday night, and tommy tune stars in it and he looks like he’s about 30. we figured he has to be around 60 or so. lots and lots of plastic surgery. he kind of reminded me of barry manilow in that regard. the show was a little bit sappy, and oriented for kids, but i liked it anyway. at the end tommy tune talked to the audience, saying how happy he was that we were there, and how he has godchildren who have computer games and how it’s nice that we were all at the show which was just about being nice to other people and stuff like that. i agreed with him wholeheartedly.
there was an article in the paper today, or maybe it was yesterday, about “boot camps” for brides and grooms and bridesmaids, about getting into shape for your wedding. this struck me as kind of funny. i guess i want to see three photos of these women – one photo taken before the boot camp, the next photo on the wedding day, and a final photo taken six months later. i bet all the married women look just like they did before the boot camp.
that’s just my cynicism of course, i’m sure they’ll maintain their lovely figures well past all the wedding photo ops.
my week is going to be busy, but at least it’s only four days.
i hope yours is a good one.
that is all for the moment, and i’m NOT going to spend any more hours tonight looking stuff up online.
end of may grace.