that’s how QUICK and SPEEDY i’m going to be FROM NOW ON FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE about writing on here. doesn’t matter if i’m very very busy or riding my bike in scotland or seeing shows in NYC or driving up the coast of CA, I’M GOING TO KEEP WRITING NO MATTER WHAT.

kate just chastised me for not writing for FOUR WHOLE DAYS.

right now i’m at randy’s, after a day of massaging and other stuff, and he’s making dinner. I’M SORRY I CAN’T HELP YOU AT ALL WITH ANYTHING ANYMORE BECAUSE I HAVE TO SIT HERE AND KEEP WRITING.

lickety split.

randy says lickety split a lot, and i love that phrase. fast fast fast, lickety split.

uh oh, my aunt sandy just called me but i didn’t answer in time because i was writing away, and she, too, craves to read this. SORRY, NO TIME TO ANSWER THE PHONE I HAVE TO KEEP WRITING.

she left a message. THANKS FOR THE CONGRATULATIONS, AUNT SANDY! because of my ESP, i know that’s what she said. words to that effect. affect? effect.

ok, i have to take a little break to eat a delicious meal that i didn’t have to help prepare IN ANY WAY, but you betcha i’ll be writing more tonight.

may grace.