As December marches on…here a few photos from when I went jogging on our last day in Chicago. This time I wanted to go on the Lake Shore trail, even though I didn’t have a lot of time to go very far. I was surprised that there were so very many people on the trail.

Some people had a couple of big dogs and I loved watching a guy throw a big stick, and the dogs bounded into the water to catch it. Brrr, but they’re dogs, I know it was super fun for them. These must be people who live nearby, because you can’t take a couple of big sopping wet dogs into a hotel.

It was pretty windy, as you can see by the water that’s splashed up on the pavement. But it didn’t feel too bad on the trail, and I’d have liked to have gone farther. Next time…

The train ride back was fine, except now I remember that a couple of completely whacko young guys were sitting in back of us. I can’t recall their conversation; one of them mentioned being “clean since March” and both talked about their children, which seems a bit scary. They rambled on and on for the entire trip, and at one point one of the guys started playing clips of loud music, and then some kind of…test pattern? I can’t remember exactly, but I know it was so annoying and shrill. That’s the only drawback to being on the train, although I can’t recall any other trips where there were people as annoying as these guys.

Other stuff from November – first here’s a great video that kevin took when Lester walked way out on a felled tree down at the water. Les is a very intrepid kitty.

Our collection of Thanksgiving stuff, most of it from Dad.

Lester relaxed on top of my laptop on Thanksgiving Day.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving meal at Amy and Jim’s. A good time was had by all.

Amy had bought all the food, including two turkey breasts, and my job was to cook them. I decided to do it in the crock pots, because it seemed like that might be easy. It was, indeed, simple, except that last step is taking the turkey out of the crock pot and setting it on a cookie sheet, then sticking it in the oven to broil so that the skin is crisp.

A hot turkey is very slippery and it’s a Thanksgiving miracle that neither of them fell on the floor and skidded all over the place. They did turn out pretty well, and I guess I’d do that again.

The next day one of the breasts we sitting on the counter after I’d picked as much meat off the bone as I could, and of course, Les was delighted to finish it off.

Gee, I took a whole lot of pictures in November. Soon I’ll be done with them, and maybe they’ll be posted before the new year, which is also coming right up.

Ok then,

Mrs. G.H.