so i’m sitting here in my lovely duplex apartment drinking a beer…
WAIT! you’ll cry, if you know me at all. YOU NEVER DRINK BEER, GRACE! YOU HATE BEER!
except christine, she may recall that i did drink a beer once, it was a stout, i had it when listening to a truly fabulous beatles cover band in a little divey bar in marina del rey.’
but maybe she’s forgotten.
anyway, when MFH and mom and i went to Trader Joe’s in St. Louis last friday, i saw some beer, and this is what it said on the label – STOCKYARD OATMEAL STOUT. “A deliciously creamy stout in the Irish tradition. This deep, coffee-colored beer has the aroma and flavor of chocolate, roasted oats and coffee with a rich tan head.” i read the label to MFH, who i’ve seen drink beer before, and so we bought some.
and so tonight i’d sit here and sip some beer. i’m trying to drink it fast enough so that it doesn’t get warm. if i do ever drink a beer, and it’s probably been at least six or so years since that stout in marina del rey, i can’t ever finish it and it just gets warm and is really, really terrible.
the beer’s not bad. kind of good, but i wish it was really icy cold. it’s been in the fridge for a few days now, so i guess that’s as cold as it gets.
anyway, invisibility – sometimes, when i’m looking particularly awful, wearing my ugliest pair of (incredibly comfy) shorts and a ratty ancient t-shirt and no makeup, i pretent that i’m invisible. This makes it ok to go out in public looking like a bag lady, although randy frowns on this type of behavior.
but so tonight i was at barnes and noble and i realized that people on their cell phones must surely think along these same lines. a guy was taking up one of the soft nice chairs, but instead of reading, he was having a lengthy phone conversation, and it was pretty loud and i could hear him from a few aisles away. if i recall, he was saying very disparaging things about some girl, maybe his sister or a friend’s sister, and he was just going on and on and on. i turned and looked at him for a minute, wondering if he realized he was broadcasting this information to most of us at the store.
maybe he believed his voice couldn’t be heard by ordinary mortals.
and then i got in line to buy a couple of books because THE STORE IS CLOSING IN 10 MINUTES, PLEASE TAKE YOUR PURCHASES TO THE COUNTER. and i was in line in back of a woman who was having a lengthy discussion on her cell phone. she continue to talk even when she got up to the cashier and she had to ask the guy a couple of times what the total was, because of course she couldn’t hear him because she WOULDN’T GET OFF HER DAMN PHONE.
i really don’t think these people don’t realize they can’t be heard.
where’s emily post when you need her?
i got a book at the library called “Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette.” so far it seems too filled with information, but there are some interesting tidbits like Sikh Ceremonies – “The Sikh wedding ceremony is called Arnand Karaj, which means ’the Ceremony of Bliss.’ It solemnizes the union of the couple’s souls and seals their religious, moral, and legal obligations.”
that sounds nice, but also, do MFH and i need to have a conversation about our religious obligations? hmm, better get on that right away.
my beer is getting warm.
mollie the dog and i have been eating peanut butter filled pretzels (delicious, also from trader joe’s) along with the beer. (OF COURSE i’m not giving mollie beer!). i tried to give her a peanut butter filled pretzel earlier in the day, but she spit it out. now she’s popping them in her mouth like she’s never had anything so tasty.
mollie and i are alike in that regard. we JUST SAY NO TO SNACKS early in the day when our willpower is strong, but now, at night, WE LOVE ALL FOOD.
i keep reading that one thing you should NOT do before going to sleep is look at a computer screen, because that jazzes your eyeballs up and makes you too agitated. so TURN OFF THE COMPUTER already!
i’m just going to look up a couple of things b4 sleeping…
ok ok ok,
end of may grace.