she’s turning a MILESTONE YEAR today, and i hope she’s having fun. i offered to buy her a plane ticket to come visit us, but she’s not here yet. soon, hopefully.
i’ve known christine for many many years. 13, as a matter of fact. my ex-boyfriend, scott, recruited christine’s ex-husband blair to be the associate producer for my feature film “hope’s happy birthday.” scott and blair are now long gone, but christine and i have remained friends longer than i’ve managed to remain friends with most other people. we’ve both gone through LOTS AND LOTS of various kinds of emotional turmoil over the years, but i have great hope for this new decade in her life – the decade keeps getting better and better for me, and i have every confidence that theres hope for her, too.
the HUGE HALLOWEEN PARTY – was huger than ever before. this is the third one – there were some people at the first one, some more at the second, but this one was CRAZY BIG. it was so big that people actually MOVED OUT OF THE KITCHEN because there just wasn’t room for one more person in there unless they laid down in layers on the floor, and it wasn’t that kind of party, so they oozed into the living room and started dancing like crazy. there were people on the front porch and the back patio even though it was a cold and rainy night, and there was even a group hanging out in the front hall in front of the pantry. our front hall isn’t that small, except the little part near the pantry is pretty tiny, and yet they managed to squeeze in there somehow.
today…things aren’t so pretty here at home. we staggered out of bed at 9:30 this morning and i thought we had to go at fencing at 11…but kevin said “i have to give freddie a fencing lesson at 10.” oh my.
we rushed out the door and didn’t get back till late this afternoon, and there are still lots and lots of dirty dishes. i napped and kevin played his computer video game after collecting some of the various many cans and glasses and bottles.
we’re about to go out to dinner, and i certainly have no intention of cleaning when we get back – i could go to sleep right now, as a matter of fact.
tomorrow morning i’ll have energy to face the mess.
oh, and yes, there are many many good photos of the festivities. the 1.5 million people crammed into our little house.
ok ok ok,
saturday night grace.