hmm, very very early right now. very very early. i had no intention of being up at this hour, but i am. i got very very sick of just lying there in bed. so here i am.
yesterday morning i went jogging through the park at about 8:30 in the morning. i ran past the duck pond, and the vast majority of the ducks were still sleeping. this seemed a little odd to me; i know the sun had been up for a couple of hours; why weren’t the ducks paddling around in their ducky way?
bread hangovers. since it was so lovely and warm and sunny on sunday, i bet the people with the great big loaves of bread were out in full force, hurling entire bags of bread at the ducks who of course have no willpower about stopping after a loaf or two. not to mention that people always take big loaves of crummy white bread to the ducks, never anything with any nutrients or anything in them, plus sometimes the loaves are stale, so it’s no wonder the ducks had bread hangovers and were still all tucked up inside their own feathery wings at the late hour of 8:30 a.m.
i went to the dentist yesterday. no cavities, very good news.
and that’s just about all the excitement of my week thus far. i hope to sleep again very soon because i have many things to do today although it doesn’t actually feel like today just yet, it still feels like the middle of the night on monday.
there are many many trains going by. i love the sound of trains going by.
goodnight, hopefully,
may grace.