I’ve decided to end the argument with myself about posting the vertical videos of florida that i took. here’s the first one, shot shortly after the one i did in the center of the town of Seaside.
and here’s another one, just trying to keep going with the postings since it’s already approaching the end of march. this one has a rare sighting of Kevin on camera! soon, maybe, i’ll be posting photos of flowers blooming around here.
and yet another short video as we walked around Seaside, with all the very pricey real estate.
lots of road construction there in Seaside FL…
we finally made it to the store! i kept taking all these videos because i wanted to make it feel like you were there with us. i needed a hair dryer because for some reason i thought there would be one at the condo, but there wasn’t. plus we bought other good stuff.
we started back to Seagrove Beach, this time walking on the road instead of the beach.
whew, it was about a six-mile walk that day. it was great to get back to our lovely condo. This was just the first day we were there, and we decided that we should extend our stay by one more night, because it was just so awesome there.
this is the final video of our first day; i finally made it down to the beach. perfect.
i’m going to vow to myself to keep posting on here every single day til i’ve posted all about florida. it is possible, mrs. hughes.
ok then,