although it feels like the weekend has been here for a while already because of the not working yesterday.
the japanese restaurant was, indeed, very delicious and quite lovely. plus it’s all healthy and good for you; we had salmon and scallops and lots of veggies and stuff. it’s a lot like the restaurant Tokyo of Japan in spfld, except this place is much much classier. i don’t know why more restaurants in spfld don’t make some effort on decorating. only the chain places seem to have that locked in, and they’re usually just faux kitchy stuff or faux italian stuff or something.
after dinner we went to a restaurant called the machine shed and it’s a lot like cracker barrel only a much smaller chain and seemed much better. we each had HUMONGOUS desserts. this is slightly vexing because i weighed myself the other day and i’ve gained about eight pounds and now i feel VERY VERY FAT and i did not need a huge piece of german chocolate cream pie as big as my head.
the waitresses at the restaurant were dressed in red plaid shirts, big overalls, and john deere hats. they’re the antithesis of hooters waitresses. i told kevin that i don’t know which would be worse. at least wearing the weird thick hose and the little bitty shorts at hooters would mean that you wouldn’t feel good about gaining EIGHT POUNDS, and so you wouldn’t. and they probably have strict rules about weight there anyway. so it’d be more comfortable to be a waitress and wear big overalls all the time, but it sure wouldn’t make a girl feel very attractive. plus i’m sure if i worked somewhere surrounded by huge desserts, i’d be very huge myself.
here’s the photo that MFH took of my last night as i was typing away here in lovely rockford. the lovely roses next to me are the ones he had waiting for me when i got here. BECAUSE HE’S A WONDERFUL MAN.
i think we’re going to go somewhere with a lovely beach for our honeymon. anybody out there have any suggestions? i started looking at greek islands online this morning and there are too many choices.
all right, i was excited about going to gordman’s which is about a 10 minute walk from here and it’s already 11:58 and K. said his class might be over at noon, and it takes him 20 minutes to drive back, so that doesn’t give me a lot of time to shop. with the walking, that would be about 10 minutes, if my math is correct.
i must go. i hope your friday is lovely.
ok then,
may grace.
p.s. i just got my online coupon for a FREE BIRTHDAY ICE CREAM CONE from baskin robbins, and i’m quite excited about that. notwithstanding the weight gain. you should sign up, too; it doesn’t matter your age, you’re ENTITLED to a free cone!