is that the correct spelling? i’m thinking maybe it should be “phooey.” yes, i think that’s right. not that i’m going to actually spend the two seconds it would take to look it up RIGHT HERE ON THE COMPUTER. i’ve entered a whole new realm of laziness.

i was lying on the floor with this neck stretcher thing behind my neck. my neck has been hurting for almost two months now and enough is enough and i’ve tried many different things to get relief and tonight it was this neck stretcher thing and i still can’t decide if it made it better or worse or if i was actually using it correctly. but anyway for about 15 minutes i was just lying there on the floor and so i started flipping through one of the books i got at the library about weddings and i got totally bored with the whole thing.

instead, let me tell you about mollie the dog. please don’t get the idea that i have NOTHING going on in my life besides thinking about getting married; i’m not some brainwashed lunatic or anything. pretty much. but anyway, mollie the dog is, like all dogs, ALWAYS STARVING TO DEATH.

i got back to MFH’s house at about 6:45 tonight and i could hear mollie whining pitifully, throwing herself against the door over and over again. MFH tries to feed her at about six o’clock every night. now let me just say that Mollie gets all kinds of treats and snacks all throughout the day, plus she has an automatic feeder that spits out dry food every few hours. mollie is not going to go hungry. mollie had to go on a diet a while ago because she was looking more and more like a fat little sausage and i think she’s gaining all the weight back. but she NEEDS HER FOOD at six o’clock or close to it. sometimes she will throw up if she doesn’t get her food, because she’s so hungry.

the thing is, when a dog eats, it IMMEDIATELY forgets that it got any food. i can feed mollie an entire hamburger and by the time she’s swallowed the last bite (and usually one bite is all it takes), she is looking at me pleadingly, longingly, hoping i’ll take pity on her and give her just ONE BITE OF FOOD.

so i got home and she danced around like a maniac and then i fed her her half can of dog food and set the can down and after taking at least one full second to eat the food in the bowl, she started nuzzling down in the can, dragging it around the kitchen, trying to scrape out every last morsel.

because she’s STARVING.

kevin got home and mollie did her dance again, mostly because she was happy to see him, but i know that a big reason she loves him is because he’s been feeding her for quite a few years now.

we made dinner and mollie waited patiently, expectantly as we cooked, hoping we’d give a poor pitiful starving doggie a little morsel.

we sat down to eat and she proceeded to drool all over the floor, just sitting there with her big puppy dog eyes, drool dripping out of her chin which really wasn’t such a pretty look. but she couldn’t help herself because SHE WAS STARVING.

kevin, who never ever spoils her to death, had grilled her her own piece of chicken and he cut it up into little pieces so she wouldn’t choke by inhaling the one big piece, and he gave her some couscous alongside and she ate it in all of two seconds.

after dinner i washed dishes with mollie at my side, as she was still hoping and praying for a little food. i gave her some piecrust in a metal pie tin and she rattled that around on the floor for at least a half hour.

she’s sleeping on the bed now because clearly, clearly, NOBODY IS GOING TO FEED HER. and if she’s going to STARVE TO DEATH she might as well be well-reested, at least.

unless she hears the soft rustle of a cookie wrapper opening, or the refrigerator door, and she’ll be at my side in a split second, hoping against hope that i’ll take pity on her because she hasn’t eaten in at least six or seven days…

that is all for wednesday night.

ok then,

may grace.