after two days, almost, of thinking about wedding planning, i’ve decided that it would be much MUCH better to just go to las vegas to get married.
i’m not going to do this, mind you, but there are way too many things to think about.
the only thing i really want to concentrate on is where we’re going for a honeymoon.
today we went to a fine jewelry store to get an idea of a ring that we might want MFH’s sister to design for us. i was fairly appalled at the whole DIAMOND SCAM.
they could mine buckets and buckets of diamonds if they wanted to, and they could sell them for almost nothing. instead, the lady at the fine jewelry store showed us a few very precious exquisite RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE diamonds. i mean, they were from $4,500 to $6,000 and i’m sure you can get ones that are much much much more expensive.
and she explained all about the clarity and the brightness and the cut and the color, blah blah blah and i was nodding and smiling and oohing and aahing and i kept thinking WHAT A BUNCH OF HOOEY.
when we finally got out of there i said LET’S JUST BUY A GREAT BIG CUBIC ZIRCONIAN.
by looking online i found out many other wedding stuff that you’re “supposed” to do but i won’t bore you with all that right now.
the race was ok except i didn’t race, i just walked, but i did go four whole miles, so at least that was something, but i felt like a total fraud, surrounded by all these runners who were actually running instead of plodding along with the other walkers who just seemed to be doing it because they had spouses/significant others who were actually running.
me, my BETROTHED was running. i like that word.
afterwards we had a sandwich and could have had some free beer except i HATE beer and of course it was only 10 in the morning. there were plenty of others eager to drink beer after running like crazy. like crazies.
all i know for sure about my wedding right now is that i want NO POTATO CHIPS. i think randy was relating some wedding he went to somewhere where they served potato chips.
so at least i’m starting somewhere.
i have to go now. i hope your weekend is full of fun stuff and goodness at every turn.
ok then,
may grace.