when i said “weird and crazy” in that last posting, i didn’t mean that MFH is weird and crazy, but rather the situation. just because it’s so very different for me.

here’s the ring.


ok, but now i have to explain this beautiful engagement ring to you.

kevin has a sister who is a jeweler. he’s going to ask her to design our rings. but if you happen to be reading this any you KNOW his siter, PLEASE DON’T TELL HER, because i feel it would be rude for her to hear it third-hand instead of actually from him. so please DON’T TELL.

anyway, so because it could take some time to make these custom-made beautiful rings, he said we need a temporary ring. a practice ring? a training ring? so after he proposed at eight last night, we rushed to K’s merchandise mart to pick up a temp ring.

when we got there they started turning off the lights and locking the doors and stuff which made me a little edgy, not to mention the fact that i’d never actually tried on an engagement ring before or really even looked at them at all. it’s not that i’ve been avoiding engagement rings, but i figured there was no point in looking at them if nobody was going to get me one.

so anyway i couldn’t decide which one i liked so we had to leave because they kicked us out. when we later got to mom and dad’s, dad said it would be silly to go buy a temp ring when they have PLENTY of diamond rings lying around.

they said i could have my grandmother’s ring.

so this morning MFH and i went to the lockbox where everybody was pretty sure the ring was, and there it was, and now it’s on my finger. it’s very lovely, especially for just a temp. ring.

mom had said that amy and i could share the ring, and amy used to wear it all the time in high school. not because it was a temporary engagement ring, just because it’s beautiful and sparkly.

so now it’s my turn. for a while, anyway. i know i’ll have to let amy wear it again soon (even though she has a very lovely permanent engagement ring of her own, not to mention the matching wedding band).

that is all the wedding story for tonight. i have to watch the final 20 minutes of “sex & the city” before going to sleep and then we’re getting up in the morning for a race in bloomington although i can’t run in it because my neck is bad so i have to do the three-mile walk with all the crippled lazy slow people.

more later.

ok then,

may grace.