i took a walk through washington park yesterday and stopped for a while to look at the ducks. there are lots and lots of baby ducklings right now and they’re quite adorable. but the day before i’d noticed different people headed over to feed the ducks and some of them carried ENTIRE LOAVES OF BREAD.
this is excessive. i’m surprised the ducks are even able to waddle at all anymore, with all this bread feeding going on constantly. i’m amazed that they’re not just sprawled out on the bank, their stomachs hanging down, belching and snoring after eating so much.
yesterday i saw quite a bit of floating bread. some were entire pieces, floating there on top of the water. i wondered why the slices of bread hadn’t sunk, and also wondered at what point the ducks say “i’m not eating THAT bread, it’s way too soggy. maybe they only like it freshly-thrown. and since loaves and loaves of bread are being hurled at them, they can’t possibly eat it all as it comes flying.
last night we saw the jazz band Real Time at the State House Inn. it was the SHI’s third anniversary of their remodel, and there was a whopping five dollar cover charge, and lots of good food to eat while listening to the band. i don’t feel it’s been that long since i’ve heard them but maybe it has. they were great, and the really great thing is that i convinced mom and dad to go, too. well, i told mom about it and somehow she coerced dad into going and he told her he was just going to LEAVE if he didn’t like it and i’m sure it wasn’t easy convincing him to go at all. but he loved the band! which i thought he would since they’re so good, but you never can tell with dad. david was also there, and amy and jim even showed up for a while.
a good time was had by all. we told the band of our engagement, and afterwards asked them if they’d play a little during the reception. and they said yes! quite exciting.
afterwards we watched the movie “big night” which i’d gotten at the library and it was just as good as i remembered, although it’s been a very long time since i’ve seen it. it’s funny, there are plenty of people in it who weren’t well-known yet, like alison janney who was on the west wing, and minnie driver. and there was somebody named Marc Anthony and i just took the time to look him up online and he’s the same Marc Anthony who’s the singer. hmm. how did anybody find out anything before the internet?
it’s a gorgeous beautiful day today, which is why i must stop writing and go OUTSIDE.
ok then,
may grace.