Wednesday, Feb. 19th – The morning started out with another good run. i didn’t take as many photos, except i took a bunch of these birds when i first set out. Jim said they’re Ibis. Just hanging out in somebody’s yard.

meanwhile, back at home – our outside cat, Lovey, was super affectionate and playful with Kevin. We hope to bring her inside soon. she’ll be quarantined for a week and if she doesn’t go crazy being inside we’ll take her to the vet and get her tested and gradually introduce her to the other kitties.

After my run we headed over to the Chihuly Collection, a very small museum in downtown St. Petersburg.

It was smaller than we thought it’d be, with maybe only seven rooms, each filled with just one display.

they were all beautiful but i’ve seen plenty of other Chihuly pieces in other places. There was also a video of Chihuly putting together different installations around the world and we watched a little of it but in my mind it was just I WANT TO BE OUTSIDE.

so we didn’t linger and drove over to the bay. there were plenty of big fancy boats docked there.

We were going to find some lunch but then i panicked for a change and was sure i’d left my insulated water bottle lying on the the grass where we’d gotten our picture taken, or maybe i’d set it on the ground outside the car. it’s been known to happen. so i sprinted back to check, and on my return i took a photo of this other big pink hotel, called the Vinoy Resort & Golf Club. pretty swanky.

pelican. always so photogenic.

it was pretty darn warm that day and i’d found a place on the map for lunch but it turned out to be just a bar. instead we sat outside on the deck of the St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts and had a nice lunch.

Bur i wonder why we had soup on such a warm day?

This was our splendid view.

a busy day, and i was happy at the thought of heading back to Pass-A-Grille Beach when we left downtown.

ok then,
