2025 already. We’re having a snowstorm today; the wind is whipping the waves around out on the lake and I’m happy to sit here on the couch. It’s storming all over the country, and we were supposed to get a foot, but now it’s saying seven inches. Whatever it is, I like to be inside. Plus it’s going to be very cold all week. Ugh.
Meanwhile…yesterday I was in the bedroom and Sweetie was perched on the dresser in the front, looking out the window. I glanced out, and there was a red fox! Luckily my phone was close by and I grabbed it and took pictures. Kevin has been putting leftover cat food over in our neighbor’s back yard (the neighbor hasn’t been there in a while) and the fox trotted over to explore the bowls, then hopped up onto a big spool and then a low roof. It sat there looking over towards Mom’s house.
It’s right there in the middle of the photo.

Here it is on top of the roof.

I hurried into the kitchen and put some wet cat food in a bowl and went outside. The fox was on the roof looking at me and I held up the food, announcing to him that it was food, in case he was a fox who understood English, and set it on the side of the front porch and went back inside. Here’s a little video. This photo wasn’t part of the video but it gives you a good view of what the fox looks like.
And after it went down in the hole it trotted back to our house and started eating the food, yay! Very cool.

But what will it do today, in all this snow? Kevin snow-plowed all the driveways and a group of nine deer was running around, seemingly confused about what he was doing.
Surely the fox will hunker down somewhere, but what about food? The snow continues to blow like crazy.
I’m about to get up and start getting rid of all the Xmas decor. Even though it hasn’t been up long, I’m over it. Except the lights, I’d like to string some lights around the edge of the ceiling. I did that when I lived in LA and had them up all year round and loved them. I’m at least thinking of putting some up in the garage for the garage kitties. The garage is becoming more and more like another living room, except it doesn’t have a very scenic view.
Meanwhile…maybe I’ll get around to posting some photos of Christmas stuff plus other exciting December things, but you never know. But wait, one photo of Lester for the new year…I made many many calendars on the website Shutterfly and the finished product arrived in this box and it’s Les’s favorite new sleeping place. Here, Kevin had made a cheerful fire in the bedroom fireplace and Les was so happy…

Ok then,
Mrs. Hughes in the New Year.