that’s what the week has done. first, let me tell you about something that’s going on here in spfld. on sunday night, March 18th, from 6-10 p.m. at jazz central station (which is on top of the hilton), there’s going to be a fundraiser to reaise awareness of the genocide currently happening in sudan. it costs a measly five bucks to attend, and there will be music and maybe a couple of speakers, and it’s a very worthy cause and you should go.

kevin and i will go, unless i have become completely incapacitated at the beginners foil tournament in st. louis. or unless the tournament is still going on well into the night. hopefully it won’t be.

ok, so here are some photos from the BALLET GALA which we attended last saturday night. first here’s me and mom and erica; i love this photo because erica looks like a MOVIE STAR.


and here’s me and kevin; i wish there was a good full-length one because my dress is great, but whoever was taking the photos kept cutting off kevin’s head.

me and kevin

randy, kevin and dad, and i assure you that randy was having a much better time than the photo might indicate.

three guys

and here’s mom and dad, looking very cute.

mom and dad

we bid on many silent auction things and won all the auctions, but there weren’t any great trips this year. last year we got a week’s stay at a great condo in ft. lauderdale, but the only trips were to chicago and st. louis this year, not very exciting.

i have to go outside and walk or maybe run now, although WHAT HAPPENED TO SUMMER? at least it was nice to remember how great summer weather is, for a couple of days. and i know it will return.

ok then,

thursday grace.