Here’s a lamp I bought at the Union Square Christmas market. The seller claimed it’s made in Indonesia, and hopefully that’s true and it wasn’t made by Chines slave laborer children.

Kevin took this beautiful sunrise picture while I was gone.

As I went running the deer were mildly interested that I was there, but not really bothered.

Kevin sent me this photo of him in high school.

Christmas day, relaxing with Pumpkin, wearing my new Christmas slippers and slipper socks.

Kevin bought little pink socks for everybody as usual and Lester has loved the box ever since.

Instead of a white Christmas, it was a wet one.

Christmas night, hanging out with the outdoorsers.

Whew, glad to be rid of 2023. It didn’t end on a high note and 2024 hasn’t been a walk in the park either, but I’m cautiously optimistic that that’s it for all the ridiculous health issues that suddenly showered down upon me like gangbusters. More on that later; meanwhile, it’s bitterly, bitterly cold and insanely windy out there and I’m glad to be inside.

Happy 2024!
