ok, i wasn’t going to mention this to anybody, but why not, i mean, it’s not like you’re going to call me up and tell me not to.

tomorrow, provided we can get all the necessary components in order for it to happen, i’m going to go to a team fencing competition with kevin.

but wait, you say, you’ve been to these fencing competitions before.


whew. it’s slightly terrifying just typing that in.

kevin today said things like “you’ve gotten really good at fencing in the past couple of months.” he in no way tried to coerce me into it. jay is another story. the teams are made up of three people, and one of the people has to be female. kevin is in a team with joanne and flynn.

but jay, he’s DYING TO COMPETE MORE. jay is kind of an intense fellow. he’s VERY INTENSE about some things, anything he cares at all about. HE’S VERY INTO FENCING.

he and eric decided to register as a fencing team, even though they didn’t have a female to complete the team. they asked me a few times if i’d like to join them, and i always said HELL NO I DON’T WANT TO COMPETE.

as a matter of fact, that was really the only new year’s resolution i can think of that i actually had. NO COMPETITIONS.

you may know that i suck at all sports.

but now, here i am. if we can borrow a lame, which is a special jacket that has metal in it somehow so it registers when you get hit with an electric foil, plus if kevin can modify two foils for me, then i’m in.

i figure, why not? i’ll be there anyway, and i certainly won’t be bored. i haven’t been bored at tournaments so far, as a matter of fact i’ve been pretty nervous watching kevin fence. this will give me something different to be nervous about.

i’m going to attempt to enjoy myself and do the best i can. hopefully i won’t be slaughtered by every other fencer who i fence against. so i guess that’s my goal. i know that jay and eric will be nice to me about it even if i drag the team way down because of my lack of fencing finesse. even though jay is EXTREMELY INTENSE, he’ll give me credit for just agreeing to do it.

deep breaths, i’m taking deep breaths. i wish i’d been meditating, because i sure would do a bunch of that right now.

whew. we’ll see how it goes.

ok then,

grace on the brink of hopefully no great physical injury.