so now i can post something FROM MY PHONE, from the game.
so if you’re on twitter, just look for me however you’d do that. my username on twitter is, of course, GRACEUNCENSORED.
ok, i hope somebody out there follows, because otherwise i’ll be tweeting in vain!
plus i spent all that time setting up the twitter when i could have been playing sudoku to sharpen my mind this morning.
ok then,
mrs. a small amount of technology hughes.
How are you? Amy said you went to the emergency ward cause you were dizzy. Are you ok now? I hope so! We have to SKYPE soon! Also I tried to look you up on Twitter as grace uncensored, GRACEUNCENSORED, and GRACE UNCENSORED and came up with nothing. I just started Twitter a couple of days ago. I linked with my favorite comedians including Jim Gaffigan & Patton Oswalt.. Contact me somehow!!! XOX- Sandy