i’m here at randy’s, TRAPPED, forced to watch the Billboard Music Awards.

today is the first time i drove outside. i made it, somehow. our neighborhood is like an ice skating rink. like an ice skating rink from HELL, with huge huge craters and bumps and it’s worse than any other place i’ve been. many of the streets are dry, finally, but none in our neighborhood. sheets of very very bumpy ice.

many people have been without power, including my brother and my mom’s friend margaret. margaret refused to leave her apartment, instead staying inside where the temperature hovered around 40 degrees. horrible.

here at randy’s i saw Flava Flav for the very first time. jim informed me that Flava Flav has been around since the LATE EIGHTIES, and he has some really dumb reality show like the bachelor, where women are vying to be with him…i just have to ask, WHY? WHY? WHY????

the only interesting part about Flava F. is that he wears a GIANT CLOCK around his neck, like some huge rapper medallion. only it’s a CLOCK. randy says he wears different clocks.


if any person at all, any person who is NOT famous, went around wearing a big clock, like a clock you’d have on a wall in an office, around their neck, WOULDN’T PEOPLE THINK THEY WERE INSANE?


i saw the nutcracker twice this weekend. it was really good, and it amazes me how julie guttas puts it all together. it looks like such a huge, HUGE amount of work. kevin, my HUSBAND, did a great job and it was funny when he came home still wearing his makeup. he washed his face, at least twice, and still there are traces of eyeliner. i told him it makes him look quite glamorous.

did i mention that we had about six inches of snow on thursday night? on top of an inch of ice? it took us a half hour to hack the ice off the windshield of the van on saturday morning.

it was one last night. tonight it’s going to be warmer, that is, 28. it scares me, thinking that TWENTY EIGHT is WARMER. it doesn’t bode well for the winter.

maybe the ice and snow will melt and that’s all we’ll have all winter.

maybe maybe maybe.

i’m doing my show in less than four weeks. i must finish writing it. four weeks tonight, it’ll be all over. that’s slightly startling to think about it, since i haven’t even finished writing it yet.


i could be at home writing right now, but randy had us over for dinner and he thought it would be a good idea to watch the billboard music awards. he knows what all the music awards are and who all the people on the awards are. and i don’t. so i snuck in here to write, instead.

what if i can’t think of an ending to my show?

back to TV.

ok then,

monday grace.