last night i dreamed about mel-o-cream doughnuts. i was just picking out a dozen of them, not eating them, unfortunately. i was picking them out for somebody, amy or dad, trying to remember what they liked. plus i got a chocolate old fashioned for myself.
my dreams have never been very dramatic. but i’m thinking about doughnuts a lot today.
yesterday it was gloriously warm and sunny, in the 70’s, and i was sitting in the sun enjoying it and wondering why on earth we live in this cold climate. when the weather is good, everything is just so much better.
we’re about to go to a wine-tasting at a local wine shop, which seems a very decadent thing to do on a saturday afternoon.
it’s going to fortify us for going over and helping bev. bev is going to have 13 students from yale at her house for three nights starting on tuesday. her daughter goes to yale and is in an a capella group and they travel around, frequently staying at fancy places, things like castles and mansions in exciting countries, visiting other people’s parents.
tuesday, they arrive in spfld. to get ready for the onslaught of kids, bev is completely overhauling her house in almost every way. this is, of course, a mighty task, trying to do everything. and she managed to put it all off till there was barely enough time to finish everything.
she’s working night and day, besides going to her job. we’ve been helping somewhat, but sometimes when i’ve called to help she says I MIGHT NOT HAVE ANYTHING FOR YOU TO DO. CALL FIRST. she always sounds just a bit like she’s ready to crack. but bev is tough, i know she’ll complete her mission. the thing is, of course there would always be plenty for people to do to help, but…well, bev has a little problem with assigning tasks. also with getting rid of stuff.
we all have that problem, i know – since we’ve started helping her, i’ve been trying to be ruthless here at home, getting rid of clothes i never wear, and i’ve even started the almost insurmountable task of getting rid of the huge and vast quantities of stuff in the basement, mostly stuff that dad didn’t take with him. it always makes him highly nervous if i mention that i’m going through stuff because he’s sure i’m going to THROW AWAY VERY VERY VALUABLE THINGS.
so far i haven’t found any gold bars or anything down there.
ok then, i must go drink wine now. in the afternoon.
saturday grace.