whew. we got home late tuesday night and i feel like i haven’t sat down since then.

i mean, i have, but…busy.

last night i decided to transfer all my florida photos from my phone to my computer and was completely dismayed by the sheer volume. i feel like maybe there are a thousand photos? surely not.

but probably.

i’m going to edit them waaaaaay down and try not to post too many.

i spent too much time last night on that task; my computer was being all glitchy, probably because there were so many damn photos. i kept trying and trying…

but here’s a photo from yesterday morning. so cute!

the little deer looked so fluffy, i guess because the poor thing was wet. last night i saw it out front. i worry that it has lost its mother and siblings.

but we can’t bring it inside, we just can’t. we don’t have a bed big enough.

i’m going to go work out now, and later tonight i’m going to try to sort through the many many photos. hopefully half of them are sunsets, so they’ll be easy to cull.

ok ok ok,

g.h., as february winds down and spring is right around the corner.