my plan today (and i had a plan today, yay for me!) was to go through my july and august photos and choose a very small selection to post here.
which of course i didn’t manage to do.
instead, here’s just a part of the photos from july that i want to share now, on this rainy (yay, finally rain after a very dry spell!) tuesday afternoon in september.
They’re mostly cat photos because, well, you know…
Riley looks so content, like he’s lying on a soft bed instead of his favorite hollow log.

Sweetie, also quite content.

Riley posing again, still the same late afternoon, sometime after five…

infinite riley cuteness.

I wish i had a bunch of these beautiful japanese lilies. it is possible, grace, you just have to start a list of stuff to get for next spring. obviously you can see from the giant hostas in the background i’m also going to have to do a whole lot of transplanting then.

lester also enjoys the hollow log.

I know i’ve posted many photos of kevin hard at work on projects this summer, but i don’t want you to get the idea that i’ve been loafing around. this was a very huge pile of shingles that he’d thrown off the roof, and mom and i picked them up and put them in huge garbage bags.

mom and i had already picked up many, many shingles that were at the side of the house and we’d lugged them onto my trusty little wagon and carried them to the back of the garage. it was hard work, and very hot weather for it. the pile of shingles in back wasn’t as big and i brought my fan over to make a breeze.
kevin had the ingenious idea of putting this board against the steps so i hauled the bag onto the board and slid it down the board to the wagon at the end.

when it was all over, lester was very curious about the whole operation, of course.

here are the bags waiting to be thrown over the fence. by kevin, of course, not me.

Les Paul finally settled down, feeling this was the most perfect spot to rest. I love it that he’s always posing for a photo, looking at me so sweetly.

I feel a big sense of accomplishment getting this posted today. every day seems like a challenge to do something, anything…the only thing i’ve been doing consistently is exercising. you’d think i’d have lost lots of weight because of that, but of course i’m always eating too much, pandemic or not.
ok then,
mrs. many more photos to come shortly hughes.