this is one of my favorite pelican photos (and I took approximately one million of them during the summer/fall).  we went out on the boat on October 20th, and I went out again on the 22nd.  kevin didn’t want to go with me, so I went by myself and had a surprisingly good time.  I realized that when I go boating alone I can go wherever I want.

I first zipped over to the pelican point and was sad that they weren’t there.  I decided to head under the Lindsay bridge to see if I could find any, but when I cruised by todd green’s house, right across the water from us, I realized they were there!  it was cool to get this photo of flying pelicans as well as ones on the grass.


on pelican point, the pelicans mostly hung out on the rocks, with a few in the grass.  since they weren’t there that day, I could see the extent of the pelican poop.  but in the photo above, because todd doesn’t have riprap, but instead a sea wall, the pelicans all congregated on his expensive, lush grass.

such a beautiful day!  it’s a little hard to get my head around the fact that today it’s only 25 degrees, feels like 15, with a layer of snow on the ground.  what happened to fall?

this is one of the islands on the other side of the bridge, near the yacht club.  tons of birds were nesting in the trees.

I only came in finally because I had to work.

a few days later, October 25th, we took the boats out of the water.  here’s the view of our dock as I drove the pontoon boat away.

this was the easiest boat out of the water we’ve ever had – I think because I had practiced docking the boat on our new boat lift, I felt more confident about guiding it onto the trailer.  good times!  the whole process was speedy, thanks mostly due to kevin’s expertise.

we got home and I spent an hour cleaning the boat, while kevin started to get the sailboat ready to come out.  his friend glenn came over at about 2 in the afternoon to help remove the sail.

glenn then motored mom and I over to the boat launch; I’ve never used the motor on the sailboat, but maybe next year i’ll be able to do it.  it didn’t look very tricky, anyway.

it took a couple of tries to get the boat onto the trailer, but no big deal, really (especially for me because all I really did was take pictures).

kevin secured the  boat on the trailer and the job was done!

this is one of my favorite photos of mom because her hair went completely crazy in the wind.

more boat adventures soon, but here’s les and riley, enjoying the middle level of their kitty condo.

ok then, stay warm,

mrs. Tuesday bitterly cold November hughes.