I just counted the number of videos I took on Saturday April 16th while jogging along the Shilshole Bay Marina waterfront in Seattle. Thirty! C’mon, Grace, what’s wrong with you? I can’t imagine that I managed to maintain a challenging heart rate because I must have stopped every few minutes to take a video.
I was so excited at the marina because it was Saturday and it was super busy. So many of the sailboats were unfurling their sails and heading out, plus a boat lift was continually lowering small sailboat into the water for a race.
I wanted to take so many videos so that Kevin could experience it vicariously, but I bet he got overwhelmed if I actually sent all of them. I’ve managed to winnow the thirty down to only four videos.
Here are the first guys I saw heading out.

Many, many boats out there.
It was obviously chilly that morning since I was wearing a winter running hat.

Here are these daredevil sailors who unfurled their mast before leaving the protection of the seawall. Everybody else was motoring out to get past it but these guys had obviously done this a lot. And also might have been a bit crazy.
I came across this crane lowering one racing sailboat after another. In the background is a very fancy wooden boat.

I took about six or seven videos of the lowering of the boats and this one was the best.
After I finally forced myself to stop taking videos I turned around to see this sight going along the railroad tracks. It must have been plane parts. Very cool.
As I headed out of the parking lot I saw this modified bug. Kevin loves VWs, has had several of them, and I knew he’d want to see this.

When I finally finished my run, Mom and I picked up Stan and we drove around Seattle a whole lot. Since I was doing the driving I wasn’t able to take many pictures. Mom was desperate to go to the Pike Street Market but when we got there it was, of course, packed with tourists. I slowly crept down the street and was able to take photos because we mostly weren’t moving at all because people didn’t care at all that that they were blocking the street.

We then drove past the Seattle Spheres, which I’d known nothing about. If you want to read about them on their website, it sounds fascinating. Unfortunately you had to have a reservation to take a tour inside so instead we walked around outside. At this point the wind had picked up and it was much too cold to linger.

We then drove by Stan’s church and his old church and the University and many other places. When we’d seen a whole of of a whole lot, we went to the Nordic Museum
More on that later.
Ok then,
Mrs. maybe i’ll finish these Seattle postings before winter Hughes.
Thx for the VW photo!