kevin found our red white and blue lighted flag decoration, which i’m about to go put down by the dock. there are plenty of boats out today, even though it must be kind of toasty out there. i also have to clean the boat seats, and i’m afraid i’m going to want to jump in the lake. i shouldn’t, because i know how polluted and awful it is right now; there’s still that green stuff on the top because of all the flooding. erica said she went swimming last night for a long time, and i didn’t notice that she’d grown any weird new appendages or anything, so maybe it’s ok.
this morning kevin was in the excitement-filled JEROME 4TH OF JULY PARADE. i dont’ believe i’ve ever seen such a short parade.
shortness in a parade isn’t a bad thing. plus at one point a woman was walking by giving out generous portions of mini snickers bars to just about every person there. nice.
when i first got to the parade, about 3 minutes before it started, a guy from the 114th pulled up close to me and jumped out of his car, scrambling to get his stuff together. he hustled down the street and when somebody started singing the star spangled banner he took off running.
this old guy was in line just in front of the 114th. good for him to ride his bike.
here they are, marching up into the place where they’ll actually start the parade. an action shot.
he’s such a cute soldier and of course i can tell which one is him, but i brought mollie with me and even though kevin kept whistling at her and calling her, she didn’t notice. maybe she was just too jazzed by all the new doggie smells plus quite a few actual dogs to interact with.
jim patton, not looking very much like a quartermaster grand poobah general brigadier sargeant caption colonel whatever his large title may be.
i tried to get a good shot of the girl in the white sunglasses but she was going too fast…they were both decked out in lots of 4th finery.
the 114th, marching, and of course kevin is smiling for the camera. he’s very good at it!
i took this picture the other day before the spraying incident. he was LOVING sprawling on the back of the couch.
HOW CAN WE POSSIBLY GET RID OF THIS LITTLE CUTIE???? Kevin bought some new kind of “no spraying” spray, which i sprayed all over the bedroom before i let him loose in there. he was only interested in VICIOUSLY ATTACKING kevin’s shoestring which was peeking out from under the closet door. Les had a great time trying to kill it, and now he’s stretched out on the hot tub floor behind me. he WANTS to be a good kitty! maybe in time…
ok then,
mrs. pre-4th hughes.