i think it got up to 92 yesterday, or something completely bonkers like that. it’s already mighty warm today. go figure.
also, suddenly we have lots and lots of buffalo gnats. on wednesday kevin and i were outside and all of sudden a bunch of tiny things were zipping all over the place, landing on my head, and it took me a while to remember that this is buffalo gnat season. last summer one of them stung me on my eyelid and i had to go to prompt care.
on wednesday i ended getting a few ithcy spots on my head, and they got swollen, and then that evening i was very briefly standing in the back yard and another one landed on my chest. SO ITCHY, still.
it’ll probably be an amazingly buggy summer due to all the rain. i must be covered in repellant every time i venture out.
meanwhile…two tuesday ago, April 30th…we brought the sweet kitty that had been at mom’s since the end of December over to our house. we think she might not be so skittish here, and she’s been living in our upstairs guest bedroom since we brought her home. i built her this tower so she could watch the world.

she immediately warmed up to kevin; here he is lying on the guest bed as the kitty is on the lookout for possible intruders. because she’s so sweet we’ve decided to call her Sweetie, the same name as one of Aunt Sandy’s cats.

i was very intent on getting the vet to give us a prescription for an anti-anxiety drug for her, and in order to do that they have to do a blood test. it turns out she has some kidney crystals that could turn into kidney stones if left unchecked. so far we’ve tried two different prescription foods, but she flatly rejected them both. so we’re not sure what the next step will be.
she is so much happier now that we haven’t given her the anti-anxiety drug yet. she purrs a lot, and a couple of days ago i gave her some fresh catnip from the big plant out back and she adored it. she also gobbles up the wet cat food; maybe this will be good enough, because i read that one thing cats with crystals need is lots of water, and the cat food is wet plus we add water to it.
i don’t even think riley knows we have another kitty.

sweetie initially slept in the chair in the guest room, but i haven’t seen her on it anymore.

baby geese! we saw lots of geese families out on the lake.

sweetie prefers to sleep in this cage – one night last week kevin was sick, so i slept in the guestroom, but sweetie slept in her cage instead of on the bed.

kevin bought a special gizmo that easily fits onto the door and keeps it open about an inch so that sweetie can see out and our kitties can observe her. but that hasn’t really happened yet – les does come upstairs and he did poke a paw in the first time we put it up, but now he’s content to lie in the bathroom door across the hall and just watch.
it would be great if sweetie felt comfortable enough to be downstair and just hang out, but i imagine that will take a while.
now i’m going to cover myself with bath& body vanilla spray, which does a great job of repelling insects, and do some raking. go me!
ok then,
mrs. spring hughes.