just four minutes till friday. NO IDEA how that happened.

the cold weather has set in and it’s not even that horribly cold.


but still, i just want to sit around and drink hot tea and continue to obsessively read this book i’m reading. it’s called “Make Way for Lucia,” by E.F. Benson, and it’s a compilation of all the Lucia books into one enormous volume of 1,119 pages. i’ve read 687 of them by now, and i start reading when i get in bed and i always mean to only read for a half hour but i keep staying up till TWO A.M. which is ridiculously, ridiculously late.

i’ve read all the lucia books, but it was a long time ago and luckily my memory is so bad that i can’t remember the details. i started re-reading it because i was bored and didn’t expect to keep reading, but can’t stop now. i’m kind of worried since it’s now after midnight and i haven’t even started reading yet and i have quite a few things to accomplish tomorrow so i can’t spend the night reading.

the books were written sometime before the 1920’s, because that’s the oldest date i found on the inside cover. they’re all about life in two little country towns in england, and nothing much really happens except that there is neverending intrigue and gossip amongst a small circle of entertaining people.

i want to post some more photos of hawaii but it’ll have to wait. but i’d better hurry because soon there will be photos of new york. but not nearly as many.

remember that hideous keepsake doll i wrote about? while i was focused on that, kevin, it turns out, was looking at some kind of keyboard that you can roll up. he saw it in one of the sunday ads and thought it was at target but we went there tonight and they had no roll up keyboards. perhaps they’re at best buy.

we did go past best buy, and there was a row of tents out in front of the store. kevin says that a new XBox is coming out. how long have these people been waiting? have they been sleeping in the tents, were they there overnight? kevin said they were going to go on sale at midnight, which means that by now the tents have been put away.

i hope they get a lot of enjoyment out of the new xboxes. i can’t think of many (any at all?) things that i’d be willing to sleep in a cold tent in order to purchase.

i must read.

ok then,
