i’m a little bit horrified that it suddenly dawned on me that it’s now november, and i’m still struggling to finish my postings of mackinac island, where we went in september.  things are chaotic around here, though, and i’m lucky to be sitting here for a little minute before hurrying out the door yet again.

speaking of doors…ok, here’s my thursday door, and even though it’s not actually a door, it’s a grand entryway on mackinac island, in this secluded spot called Hubbard’s Annex.  it’s filled with more glorious cottages, and several of them had hedges in this same style.


here’s a hubbard’s annex placard.


soon i will find another free moment to post the rest of the photos from our last day on mackinac island, and i still long to go back, but don’t know when that’ll be…

ok then,

mrs. busy in november hughes.

Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Visit Norm 2.0 for more doors and details!!!