The Last of the First Month…

The Last of the First Month…

Let's get onto April already, or better yet, May! I'm realizing that there are too many photos to post right now, so this isn't actually the last of the first month, it's the second to last. In the middle of January this deer looked like it might want to come inside. I looked out my bathroom window one day and these two deer were right outside. Kevin had put some corn out and this deer was more than happy to take care of it. The water always looks so awesome, no matter what time of year. Riley must be outside, no matter the weather. He's like a mailman in that regard. I took Spot for a walk...

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Hi! It's me, Grace

I’m Grace Hughes, from Springfield, IL. Welcome to my world of fun, mostly involving cats and sometimes travel.

Don’t forget to subscribe and keep up with my adventures

Final thoughts on my first day at the Fair

Final thoughts on my first day at the Fair

After the excitement at the Hobbies, Arts & Crafts building Mom and I wandered around a bit. We stopped at the Dairy building, of course, to get a picture of the butter cow. A high-diving show...

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Hobbies, Arts & Crafts building, Part Two

Hobbies, Arts & Crafts building, Part Two

As Mom and I worked our way through the HA &C building on Friday August 9th, I didn't stop to catalog everything quite as thoroughly. I thought this prize-winning pillow was very cute with the...

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Addendum to Lost in the Woods

The good news - I read online that the bow hunting isn't going on continuously til the end of the year; there's a break from Nov. 16 - Dec. 16th. The bad news - everybody who lives near the hunting...

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Lost in the Woods

Lost in the Woods

I know you're sitting on the edge of your seat, anticipating the exciting conclusion to our fun at the Hobbies, Arts and Crafts building at the Il State Fair, but I have to interrupt my tale. I was...

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The State Fair!

The State Fair!

Mom and I went to the fair on the first Friday,August 9th, something I can't recall doing before. It was a beautifully not too hot day, which is rare and fabulous. We started off at the Illinois...

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Early August

Early August

One evening in early August, Amy texted me to say that a deer was heading over to our front flowers. I looked out and there she was. I've done a decent job this year of keeping them from chomping...

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Happy 18th Anniversary to Us!

Happy 18th Anniversary to Us!

Yesterday we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary and it's amazing that it has been 18 years. Time has flown by, and I must remember to spend every day trying to enjoy the ride. Yesterday...

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Winner Winner Winner

Winner Winner Winner

That's right, Kevin was the First Place winner! in three different categories at the 74th IL Secretary of State Vehicle show last Saturday, Sept. 7th. We'd entered it once before a couple of years...

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