I started the day with another good run. and then, on to the Baker Art Museum. What a great museum!
here’s something i just realized about Naples – after going there, i said that i don’t really care about going again. but i can’t think of anything i didn’t really enjoy there. hmmm. i guess i really want to go somewhere where i can walk to the beach. but really, i could walk to the beach in naples if i was willing to pay a lot to stay next to or at least within walking distance of it.
but i’d also like a smaller town, one that isn’t so full of huge condos and stuff…but i think that any town on the coast is going to be big. but maybe now…so i guess i’d like to just drive down the coast and stop lots of different places. plus go to different place inland, like manatee springs, where our friends nan and jim just went.
maybe next year!
meanwhile, the art museum was full of so many interesting things. it wasn’t a huge museum, though, which was good so it didn’t take a really long time to go through.
the first exhibit we saw was by Paco Pomet, an artist i’d never heard of, but i fell in love with his eccentric works.
bear with me, if you don’t care for lots of photos in my posts – i’ve included many of paco pomet’s works, plus stuff from other artists. if you click on his link, you can see even more of his art.
the entrance! isn’t it grand? i wish i’d run over and closed the entrance gates before taking the picture.
here’s Pomet’s first work that i saw, and i think it’s one of my favorites. maybe cause it’s a sheep.
actually, she sheep and this one are my two favorites.
you might have to zoom in to see the guy in the hazmat suit…
and here, the guy on the end is pouring liquor from a huge bottle and the guy next to him is drinking. it’s just so clever, how he has created recreated vintage photos and added surreal touches to them.
see the little pointer computer finger in the middle?
and the paper sailboat in the middle of the lake.
two palm trees going for a ride with the top down, also one of my favorites.
at first glance, i thought, how funny, the cookie monster in the middle of these guys…but then i read about it and studied it closer, and Pomet is saying these guys are killers, monsters…and so the cookie monster is front and center.
i tried to hurry through taking pix of the descriptions on some of the works, and in my haste, this one is horribly blurry, but you should still be able to read it. i tried to find this passage online somewhere, but couldn’t.
the temporary Pomet exhibit was the only thing on the first floor, and in the middle of the staircase was a chihuly glass sculpture.
the chihuly was nice, but i really, really loved this…
things on display were different works that people in Naples own. it’s called “naples collects,” and there are some pretty big names represented here. plenty of serious art collectors in naples. once again, the interesting description is just a bit blurry…
a cool Lichtenstein.
I was immediately drawn to this, because the girl’s hair is made of candy! i didn’t know anything about the artist, but found it fascinating…
reading about him just now on wikipedia, i found out that one of the images he likes to draw from is the Candyland board game! and also gingerbread houses. so that’s right up my alley…i think i need to buy myself a retro candyland game.
and here’s something more i found about him on wikipedia:
California Gurls music video
Will Cotton was the Artistic Director for Katy Perry‘s 2010 music video, California Gurls, which was based on themes and imagery from his paintings. Perry approached Cotton with an interest in his work, which subsequently became a central visual reference for the video. Cotton created original props for the set, including a three-dimensional Candy Land game board using real baked goods and sweets. He worked closely with the video’s director, Matthew Cullen of Motion Theory, and creative team from the music production company EMI to recreate life-size scenery from his paintings. Imagery from Cotton’s works “Candy Stick Forest” and “Sugar Beach”, among several others, were used as inspiration for scenes in the video. Cotton’s work Cotton Candy Katy, a painting of Perry reclining amid cotton candy clouds, was also featured as cover art on the California Gurls album, Teenage Dream.
Wow! i’ve seen little bits of that music video before, and i thought about how cool it was, and now i know who thought it up!
and that’s all the art for today. halfway through the museum…
ok then,
mrs. hughes.