Life update – not as much coughing, plus the sun might actually come out today which would be fantastic.

Back in Florida, before everything shut down:

Sunday Feb. 23rd was warm and wonderful and i went for a good run. Here’s me in front of the door to our rental house.

Today we were headed to Clearwater Beach, rated as the 2nd best beach in Florida on Trip Advisor. Hmm. More on my opinion of that later.

I read that parking is difficult to find in Clearwater so I booked us tickets on the Clearwater Ferry. We had the option of going on Sunday or Monday, but the ferry only ran on Sunday, so that settled it. You can only buy tickets online ahead of time.

We could have taken the ferry from Clearwater to Clearwater Beach but there was a huge blues festival in Clearwater that day so they advised us that it might be impossible to find parking. Instead, we drove to Dunedin, a smaller town just north of Clearwater.

The drive to Dunedin wasn’t bad; we avoided the highway and it took about hour to get there. Dunedin sounded like a cute little town and I’d hoped we’d get there in time to walk about a bit. But we stopped at a Publix for some snacks on the way and by the time we parked in Dunedin there wasn’t time for any strolling.

But it was a glorious day and the pier was bustling plus there were plenty of pelicans.

Birds everywhere.

This car was parked in the parking lot and many guys were circling it, checking it out and taking photos so i decided to do the same because I figured Kevin would enjoy it, plus he’d be able to easily identify it.

I also took a very short video clip of the car. Kevin says he doesn’t know if it was a Mach One or Two, not the most critical thing in the world.

Soon we could see the ferry coming in. I think it was scheduled to depart at 1:15.

Video of its arrival.

I wish i’d gotten a good picture of this, but at least you can maybe tell what’s going on in the video. a boat had clearly broken down and this other boat was towing it with no boat. Crazy. I’m pretty sure you’re required to have a rope on your boat and am amazed that neither boat must have had one. they were creeping along, with people on both boats cling to the other.

We all boarded. good times.

Plenty of birds atop the pilings on the pier.

The bay side of Clearwater Beach in the distance.

Here’s yet another seemingly abandoned sailboat. Maybe it’s just moored like that? Don’t know.

The ride was supposed to take 50 minutes but it was only maybe half an hour. it was fun to be out on the water for that short time.

And then…Clearwater Beach. I’ll tell you about that tomorrow.

ok then,

Mrs. staying at home with plenty of time to post things hughes.