leaving the beach…

I hated leaving Seagrove Beach.  but it was a great bit of time, and hopefully we’ll either go there or maybe somewhere nearby next year.  we had to vacate the premises at 10 on Friday morning, Feb. 24th, and we had time for one more walk on the beach. as we...

last day at Seagrove Beach

next time i’d like to go for a week.  I wish we could find a condo on the beach that allowed cats so we could stay for a month, but on the other hand, would we really want to traumatize our kitties with such a very long car ride?  kevin and I were aggravated...

biking in florida

  we took our bikes with us on the trip and it was great to have them.  on our second full day there, we biked down the nice bike/walking path alongside county hwy. 30A.  30A is a big deal down there in florida, at least to the people who live/visit there.  we...

the end of our trip to florida!

i was doing so well, posting all those photos of our trip…but then life got in the way in a big, big way.  so many different things going on, all at once, and it’s a little hard to believe it’s friday  already. our last full day in naples…i...

More art from the Baker Art Museum

when i was finished walking around the museum, wanda asked me, “did you take a picture of everything, grace?”  no, not everything, but quite a bit.  and i’ve managed to whittle my photos down somewhat, but there were just so many interesting things...

our final full day in Naples – Tuesday, March 8th

I started the day with another good run.  and then, on to the Baker Art Museum.  What a great museum! here’s something i just realized about Naples – after going there, i said that i don’t really care about going again.  but i can’t think of...

the beach! my favorite place to be

after all the garden-walking at the botanical garden, i was happy to drive to the beach. i chose the Lowermilk Beach, because it’s just north of the Naples Pier, not a terribly long drive from our house. because it was later in the day, it wasn’t crowded....

more pictures from the Naples Botanical Garden

flowers!  beauty!  blue skies and palm trees blowing in the wind! there was a small cactus garden, very nice.  everything in the whole place was just laid out so nicely, and obviously the people who designed it really knew what they were doing. i’m in love with...

the beach! marco island, on saturday march 5th

we stopped at home to regroup, then made the rather long drive down to marco island.  i know a woman who has a condo there, and she told me that she and her husband love to just hang out on the beach, and that marco island is a lovely place.  mom and wanda read about...

florida, last saturday, march 5th

blue skies!  warm weather!  i’m really appreciating that now that i’m back home, where i don’t think i’ve seen the sun at all.  it’s been various shades of gray since wednesday.  when he picked us up at the airport and it was very gray,...

more florida!

we were much more busy on friday.  i started the day with a 3 1/2 mile run!  i can’t tell you how great it was to run outside in the warm weather with all the green grass and so much vegetation blooming all over the place. i stopped to take a picture of this...


mom, her friend wanda and i got back from sunny naples on wednesday.  while there, not only was i going to post some photos of our trip, i was also going to somehow get many photos from wales photoshopped and ready to post. of course i did none of that at all. we had...